Hey all,
Just a note here before I fire up the engines on June 1 2011. This will be a blessed day for me as my blog and a Grand Daughter will both begin life on the same day. I look very much forward to this day, What I really wanted to say is that this blog will focus on the crisis on hand in our Church. No I am not referring to the favorite press attack of pedophile Priests. A few bad examples among the clergy of the Holy Roman Catholic Church should not reflect on the entire faith. For each one who has done wrong I can show you a hundred who are a model for us all. The crisis sadly is that as a Church we have lost our identity as we watch thousands leave the Church and either stay home (except Ash Wednesday and Easter or Christmas) and we do not try to set forth any examples of what we are and what we stand for. In fact due to a infusion of liberalism we have done away with many Catholic traditions that have never been removed.
So at times I may upset some with my views but this is not intentional my Brothers and Sisters it is only a means on which to discuss and bring forth the real story and maybe learn together something along the way. Other times will be observations or commentary on what I see around me all with the Church in mind. Let me be perfectly clear I am NOT trying to bring division to our Church, but I believe it is time to really take a good look around and begin to fix ourselves first and then the Church. Like I said there will be some personal stories here, however they are all true. Some will call these miracles, I really believe they are but I am not the final judge on what is and is not a miracle so I will try to keep it in perspective. I love my Church and have been through the ringer discovering this. So until the morn' my Brothers and Sisters say The Rosary for the Consecration of Russia to The Blessed Mother and be blissed by a Father that loves you beyond measure and a Mother who always hears our petitions. Good Night and God Bless!