Hey all it is likely my post will be very short today (sorry had to wait for the cheering of the crowd to let up a little). I am a big fan of the web looking up pages on anything Catholic from The Catholic Church Canon to Prayer sites. In my searches yesterday however I ran across one thing that blew my mind. I ran across apologist sites that declare the Holocaust to be not real or fantasy and show a complete lack of support for Israel. In fact these sites actually go to the point of declaring Israel a criminal state as it does us also and declares we should be helping the Arabs toss the Israeli's out into the sea.
Really???!!! now who ever believes or feels this way ought to have his head examined. I mean they sound like the President of Iran, whats his name aborei'madunce well that is close enough. The Catholic Church is clear upon the principle that we are to respect all faiths and show god's love to everybody including our in-laws. On one apologist site it declared the existence of a world wide Jewish banking conspiracy in which they control all the wealth. Now I am a avid historian and those exact terms were spoken by Adolph Hitler circa 1938. This anti-semantic rhetoric is beyond belief I have had the pleasure of knowing many Jews. They are some of the kindest people I know and to even think of hating a whole race just because they are what they are is sad beyond measure. Having been to Germany and lived in Berlin for four years I found the German people to also be very kind and it is hard to see how a whole society slipped into madness on account of one man is hard to fathom.
Now had I saw this on just one site I would have said OK homebody's idea of a poor joke. However I ran into 4 such sites and I wanted to puke. Many of these web sites refer to our last 5 Popes to be Anti-Popes to include the Beatified John Paul II. It also goes as far to declare Vat II a conspiracy of Catholic Liberals to bring down the true church and replace it with what we have today according to these sites a church of heresy. If these sites claim to represent number 1 The Catholic Faith and number 2 The apologist function within the church it is no wonder when you say you are a Catholic Apologist some look at you like you came from Mars and others start forming lynch mobs.
So let us come to a understanding as to what a apologist like me believes. First off I will defend the Priesthood with my life and this includes all our Popes and yes the last four too. I will defend the faith against attacks where ever I find them. Even if The President of Iran aliyabbadabbadoiamaidiot attacks the truth of our faith. I do not look down upon the Jewish faith nor do I stand against Israeli's on the contrary I strongly support Israel. I do not hate the way the Catholic Church is today nor do I feel any heresy exists, my single difference with the church is it having left some of it's most important traditions (that are still on the books to follow). Veiling, certain prayers.certain body movements and certain actions that show a reverence for our Priesthood.
Vat69 was not a mistake however it was done in such away that the shock of losing the high mass was topped off by lies in the press that were never challenged. This led to a exodus of members of the Body of Christ to other churches or to just stay home and become inactive. We as a Church should NEVER surrender our traditions or our beliefs in anyway. There are other religions that have a much easier route to get to heaven. Accept God and wham your going to heaven no matter what. It is said being a Catholic is hard and I agree it is. But I would never trade my faith just because it is too hard to follow the rules. Finally a Catholic is taught to love each other as ourselves. This includes Muslims,Jews, and any other faith, creed or color you may come across. I still love the Latin Mass and hold the belief that our Priests should take a harder line when it comes to veiling of any other rules that might exist. Yet I would trade that for a Priest who spends his time on the Podium talking about Hell,Purgatory and heaven and how really sinful and unworthy we are.
As a Church we must teach truth not fluffy Bunny's hoping down the bunny trail. We need to address sin.piety.humility,cloth,gluttony.Hell (yes it is a real place) and Purgatory (This too is a real place) and of course Heaven. We need to teach our faith not what the people are comfortable with hearing. So I have her declared my desires for the Church and shown what some Neo-Nazi Skinhead believes is the real Roman Catholic Faith. I would never in my life spread lies about another religion even if I knew they were true. We can't go around attacking each other if we want to bring them home to the one true Church.
And just as I promised it is shorter than most. until next time I pray you may find the peace of God in your life and Christ lets his graces pour out of heaven upon you.
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