I have began allot of thought lately concerning what computer geeks use to say junk in junk out. First let me apologize for being away from the blog for those who do not know of did not read the story I suffer from extreme depression as well as stress,anxiety and PTSD. So there are days when I just do not get to my computer due to this condition. However with the last of the disability battles winding up there will be more time.
Junk in junk out was a term used by computer geeks to denote that whatever info you put into a computer the same will come out. Bad date gives you bad data. If you put good data you get good data back. A man who's books I love reading Archbishop Fulton J Sheen would I am sure have a witty way of putting it but even as I watch his TV program Life is Worth Living he states the same thing just as the Bible states you can't put a bunch garbage into yourself and maintain a truly Christian spirit as sooner or later the garbage you put in will come spilling out.
This rule applies to any part of your life. The Body of Christ (the church) must support each other as well as our Priests and Nuns all the way to the Holy Father any detraction from this can cause division within the Body which is a case for serious sin. When you enter as a member of the Body of Christ as part of the Roman Catholic Church it is a take all or none proposition. You must follow the Holy Father and the teachings of the Church completely and to treat your Church like a Cafeteria line where you can pick what you like in the Canon Law and disregard what you do not like. In every Church no matter what faith there is one. The one who liked the last Priest better and complains this one is too new or speaks more on sin and Hell than on little fluffy bunnies that come out in the night to magically do your laundry for you. Most of the time he.she is listened to quietly and gets a nod of the head as the victim tries to make their getaway. The question arises should he/she be rebuked? In full honesty I would pull the person to the side and point out the folly in a Brotherly way. This is not done with a I am better than you attitude or a self-righteous attitude. However any act that injures the Body of Christ injures all as we all make up the Body.
The theory that any one of us as members of The One True Church. As members of the Body of Christ. God's one true Church has a right to accept what teaching they want to follow and disregard any that we do not like we can just throw it away is a bit ludicrous. Are we putting ourselves above God? Do we know so much more than God that we know better than he who gave us the Church what the Dogma or Canon laws must be. I pray that we never do such a heresy but sadly it is all to common today as many Catholics continue to murder children through abortion or contraceptives. And please do not let the word contraceptive fool you. It still kills the life that was created bu use of spermicide and other sources. Either way abortion is caused there is no difference. I can tell you through self examination that self-justification for sin is our favorite excuse it also places a large shadow upon our ability to see our own faults and a magnifying glass to see others faults. Once I got by this self justification stuff I am almost convinced that if I am lucky enough to make Purgatory I will be the last one out.
I also note that many people in their attempt to seek religious education keep on confusing themselves however slightly by reading religious studies books from both the Catholic and the Evangelical sides of the issues. This has created almost a mini following throughout the church of what some term Charismatic Catholics. If you are one of these I am going to upset you by telling you there is no such animal. This is a attempt to combine Pentecostal beliefs with Catholics. So lets not mix oil and water because in that mix Our Holy Mother is lost along with all the saints. While not trying to smear any religion it should be stated that anybody who believes one visit to the alter to accept Christ into your life takes care of all sins and guarantees heaven. is living in fantasy land as such a contention cannot be biblical proven. So if you are there and see my buddy Daffy Duck day hello for me.
Part 2 tomorrow
God keep you and bless you
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