Hey all,
Now I know some of you think I am going to tear into clapping for the band or choir after they finished their song at the end of Mass. Yes I know that clapping is not to be done in Church but this is not my subject today. Today I would like to talk about how through out life Christ shapes you. Now I do not mean by the Sacraments I mean by his hands. Ever look back with awe and think to yourself "Man I used to love that and now I don't" often it feels weird so we shrug it off. However should we? Or can we pray to God with great fervor and realize we are the jars he is the maker. For some this is a very tough thing to acknowledge in our lives due to the fact we like to think (with our I centered ego) that we run things and God is like the sports trainer and sits on the sidelines until called. If you carry this idea and only talk to God when you need something lose it! God is the head coach and we run the plays he gives us, now does this mean we are a robot? No because you are only really free once you have accepted that God runs the show. So yes you could turn away from God's advice and do your own thing "there is that ego word again" but I highly recommend against it. Each of us are human, Christ came to save us and to prove that a life without sin can be done. So when I say ego I do not always have to use the word ego because anytime you choose self over God you have used ego. I know better how to deal with this than Christ, Many will deny it because ego does not like to be exposed. You see if it can be admitted to and exposed it can be defeated. A deep examination should be under taken anytime you mind and heart present that ole feeling of "well I'm not that bad" or any such excuse dig deeper ego hides well in excuses and the lies we tell ourselves to make us feel good.
A little change of gears here on God being the maker and we being the jars. It begins almost unnoticed and we fail to see it for many years. You used to love that trike but it is headed for the trash when you get a bicycle. You like the bike because you can go further and explore more of the world. So realizing there is nothing you can do without God. At this very moment in your life he increases your exposure to the world so you can begin to see his mighty work. Years pass and other things do also, you want a XBOX with kinect instead of playing tag. why you may ask? simple everybody else is doing it. These are the most dangerous years of life. From 11 to 20 you will make some of the most important and challenging decisions of your life and many will take a toll on your own life. It starts as a "hey everybody does it man". This is when you face decisions on alcohol,drugs,pre-marital sex and how you learn to treat other people. It is also where you learn to be a sheep or a leader. A sheep wears everything the popular people wear act like them talk like the and even treat others the same as them. Being yourself and handing God the controls is so much easier it is something I wish I had done at that time. I was a bit of a loner in high school and to this day I am much the same. After many weeks in the mental and detox wards in the mental hospital I saw things that will have a lasting effect on me. I was there for depression many were there for addiction. I saw a 20 year old who thought nobody cared for him as his Mother put down everything he did and most of his friends did not want to hear of his problems. He was suicidal explaining to him in group that we was never alone was at times was difficult. However you would not believe the things we had in common it was Erie. So as I was sitting there we became a Band of Brothers, sometimes yes we have issues but we know that in this group we are never alone God is with us and we are with each of us always.
So you have a car and you avoided most of the snares of childhood and the late teen years. Your taste in music has changes 3 or 4 times as you went from what your parents liked to your early taste of music and then you settled. However if your over 50 please don't give me any of this rap stuff. it is pathetic to watch. Then you see her (the one) is it love or lust? If your divorced within 1-3 years yeah it was in all likely hood it was lust. Marriage is something God gave us that is very special and should never be ended by divorce. It is a time when two become one and yes you do change it usually is never noticed how big a change of life it is. If you are one of these party mongers who party every weekend and every night. You become after time more and more home centered and your party buddies fade away. Suddenly you have new friends and even with these new friends is a danger. Many "Born again" evangelical faiths seem to think you need to be rescued as a Catholic and try to get you to accept their faith. These are not friends they are glory hounds who will let the world know that they converted a Catholic notice I did say they converted not God converted. Sometimes it is sad to see but these converts go home to the Catholic Church because they just don't feel right. There is a whole deep inside them that must be filled and that is the Catholic Church.
What brought me to this point is no more that 5 years ago I was a solid country western fan, I liked all the songs that went to NR one and listened to the newest hits possible. Toby Keith was on the radio today (One of my favorites) singing a song called Red Solo Cup. I had to change to channel to a classic country station. This somehow said allot to me as I began to realize that I am not done yet and Christ is still working with the clay that I am. The changes in life are never hard to make because they often are never noticed. Perhaps if we see that Christ is still working with us and our race is not done we could all stand up and say enough and fix the near porn on TV the cussing in video games and release the hold that the world tries to pin on us so we may move deeper into a relationship with Christ. Dare we dream of a day that TV was like it was in the mid sixties. Or radio was like it was in the middle sixties. And every person was treated equally and judged upon their skills not the color of their skin. Amen I say Lord let it come let it come.
God Bless you all in your lives and be as the mouse. serve God in secret so he can see in secret and reward you.
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