Allot has made it's way into Christmas and it is time to set the record straight about Christmas and other holidays. In other words it is time to also stop the lies in what we celebrate as Christmas. First let me say first I am not a Grinch or anti Christmas but the truth be told I would prefer to see allot of things change.OK lets begin with a easy one. Nobody knows the exact day of the Birthday of Christ so we used a Roman festival day to make this about the birth of Christ. Yes we did but to blame a church or a group of churches for this is a bit silly. I did not get a vote in this and neither did you (unless you had a time traveller) you might have gotten a say. Some people love to point this issue out as solid proof that Jesus did or does NOT exist. Really guys this is your justification? The first written record of Jesus was in or about 23AD where it speaks of him as a rabble rouse in Palestine. OK so we know he was alive but why did they replace his birthday with a old Roman holiday. Lets look at the time Rome was in horrible state of affairs as a people who once followed Pagan holidays were being introduced to a new faith or a Catholic faith. Some will say "Hold it right there some will say what do you mean a Catholic faith they were Christians! Strike two guys as in 33AD the sect they referred to as Christians called by the writer from Rome in the same paragraph referred to these Christians as their better known tag Catholics. In fact of the Western World faiths I challenge any body to prove there was another faith in existence at the time. You cannot as that The Catholic Church was the only functioning faith until Martin Luther came along. He later called these new religious followers "dung piles"' The birth date nobody knows for sure although some scientists hold that it was in August. Also by the by it is Christmas not 'Happy Holidays' nor Xmas. Even so we celebrate our saviors birth on this day so Christmas it is.
It makes me sick to see what we have done to that day, Halloween is over and here comes Santa Claus! Thanksgiving was all but lost except to signal the beginning of "Black Friday". Yep Black Friday I am sure that he just loves 5,000 people in line to get 22 in stock 40 inch LCD televisions. The pushing, cussing, elbow throwing, and threats. So do you really think that is how God wishes his birthday season to begin? Or do you see a much quieter Christmas where presents are not the main focus but The Christmas Story.It is a rare day when my kids expect anymore that one gift. However it is always from their Christmas gift. They list three things they want and we get one of them. Sometimes it is allot other times not. So lets save the football game for football season not in a Best Buy of Walmart.
Let's look at the forgotten holiday. President Lincoln in 1863 authorized a day of thanks to our Lord God a day of prayer and reflection. The only reflection we may get is "I ate too much". Of course the other version is hm mm will LSU beat Alabama. God is not some unfeeling being he loves us and perhaps likes a word of thanks for what he does for you all the year. A simple Thank You Lord is all you need thank God and the Holy Spirit too.perhaps in return he will give you greater graces to love him and do what task he has for you. Yet this day created for thankfulness and praise is all but gone. I really wish they would forget Halloween it is also no longer safe for our kids. 30 years ago it was safe not anymore. Sort of places a bad position any more on us. So rise up Christ exists in writings and is acknowledged as a teacher by the Romans, If you have a issue and state that is all Christ was or ever shall be I only have one question for you. Why would 12 witnesses all tell the same story except small changes to reach their audience. Why would any of these disciples go to their deaths without saying "wait it was all made up in order to survive and live". Yet all but one died I hope you take, time to ponder these thoughts. God Bless.
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