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Friday, January 20, 2012

Finally back in action

Well have had some issues to discuss with a specialist Doctor who determines disability ratings. Then of course three mountains of paperwork to do. Before I get too started and forget I would like to say hello to
a  special friend Christine Cho she is creating a Android App as well as a web page that is not only creative but fun, It helps to lose weight a growing issue in America. I believe she is on Facebook and Twitter. Give her a holler and check on her app it is amazing. All I can say  is you rock Christine.!
    Allot has happened while I was out and I would like to speak to a few. If I get the name wrong sorry but I don't even find Bill Mahr remotely funny. When he stated after a Bronco loss to Kansas I believe he stepped over the line. He stated " Well I guess Jesus F****d Tim Tebow. Yes I am a Bronco fan but I am more upset by the terminology he used.The world would be a much better place with far less Bill Mahr.
And with allot more Tim Tebows. His work history is impeccable. He doesn't drink' smoke or have allot of girls for the press to write about. He maintains his faith despite all of the criticism. He is a Christian who is not afraid to admit his view. All I can say is Tim Tebow is the kind of hero we need more and more of.

     Of another opinion I really like Rick Satorum as a presidential candidate. His policies as well as his faith are right in line with mine. However common sense says it is coming down to a Gingrich/Romney/Paul shoot out out of these three Newt gets my vote as Paul is a isolationist and every time we accepted isolationism we have had to fight with the loss of thousands or our young.
Romney is a copy of Obama as he began the free medical care. 

Now with the NFL season almost over and NASCAR about to begin I am down to my last half year of Sports that I can put on for noise on the TV. Every time she comes with a honey-do list I can say "But Honey The game is still on can't I wait on that and I am safe till the next week. However when baseball and NBA seasons are on I hate both I end up with a excuse on the Honey do list.

The new Missal has been out for awhile now and I find the changes very good. However being a little older a Latin Mass would be great to see come back. Oh Yes tomorrow is the anniversary of Roe vs Wade see if your church has any activities. Abortion may seem to be a great deal, but after is a nightmare You end up wondering what would the child would do in school and what he would become. Who knows? He may have found a cure for cancer or AIDS. Every child has a right live he is not the cause of what you may be upset about. Don't want the child? Adoption there are many who would love to have a baby but they can't.

OK I guess I will stop now and allow myself to get to sleep.

God Bless you all.

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