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Sunday, February 5, 2012

It is do or die for the Catholic Church

I have often wondered if there should come a day when it may be do or die for the Catholic Faith. A day coming when God would identify the lukewarm and spit them from his mouth. I believe it is upon us. No I am NOT God but what if we as a church were given a choice between standing up as one or allowing our body of Christ to commit Mortal Sin. 
President Obama just signed a bill that forces Catholic Hospitals to provide abortions. In other words a law that forces the Body of Christ to commit Mortal Sin. Now some Catholics will say "not my problem it is there problem. However if you vote Obama and his fellow Democrats into power you have taken part in enforcing and approving this law. These people who are behind this are the same who cry separation of church and state when a cross is erected on a military base. They seem to see no problem with Government telling a Church that it must commit murder a Mortal Sin to a Catholic that can put them em in danger of losing their eternal soul. It is just like burying a Muslim in a pig skin to their belief this keeps them out of heaven. For years we have fought a liberal media that blasts the Catholic faith. When a Catholic Priest is accused of being a pedophile it is front page news. However a Pastor from some other Church gets no mention at all. Out of all the accusations seven has been given merit. Well over thousands have found to be false claims or admitted to be false claims. 
It is time that we must choose God or Government. I fully believe this is the great test and if do nothing we will have to stop using the term God bless America. I cannot tell anybody how to vote another freedom. But I can as all Catholics to stand up for their faiths and get out and get involved in the election process to defeat President Obama in November. Work for your candidate and lets put someone in power that understands what it means to be Catholic. I ask anybody who reads this to forward this message to anybody who opposes the very idea of the right of Government to force a religion to perform murder. I invite ALL Evangelicals also if he has done it to one religion your faith may be next.