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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Oh Grow Up!

Maturity. Stop making faces and acting like a child! Your bearing ought to reflect the piece and order of your soul.    ST Josemaria Escriva

This is usually a very touchy situation because it hits close to the home front, But read on if you dare. This is a double edged sword to say the least. It allows for many ways to  have this sword  take a chunk of your witness and turn it to darkness. We all know we have two witnesses one is spoken the other is what people see and perceive.  If you leave Mass after it is over people see this and you gained respect. However if after that you are in a hurry to leave and you cut 3 people off trying to get out of the parking lot so you can get to Hooters and order crab legs and 4 beers (because you are behind. Your crowd gets really loud and you call a guy a a..h... because his opinion disagrees with you. After you stumble out the bar talking to anything that moves and your so plowed that you almost fall on your butt walking out the door. I somehow doubt anybody in the restaurant saying "Gee that was a really great Catholic group just look at that guy as he walks with God. Next week a person who was there that night you were is exploring the Catholic faith sees you and walks out." He says to himself "and that guy is in the front row?"

In today's world of television and digital cameras first impressions are usually accepted. You must remember that what people see are what they believe to be.  During Lent Some people wear their ashes while going to the store and restaurant. Wearing them because you want to show off that you are a Catholic is a foolish and self serving idea. However if you wear them to show God's blessings and his mighty works this is a different manner bringing the Glory to God by silent witness is great. course if you wear a crucifix every time you go out and do not cover it you silent witness everyday. However no matter if you are in a wheel chair,constant pain, offer up these to The Holy Mother or as I do offer them up to those in Purgatory. However wash your face put on nice clothing and carry a smile while keeping the Holy Ghost within you and the joy it causes. God wants suffering and pain hidden away so it does not become a spectacle or a side show to stop. So weather fasting, or showing repentance. Don't make a face or complain how miserable you are feeling. If you do this your reward is of men. If you keep it secret God rewards you in secret.

God Bless You all

Monday, November 28, 2011

How do you look inside Mass and out of Mass

May your behavior added to your conversion. Be such that everyone who sees you or hears you can say: this man reads the life of Jesus Christ.
St. JoséMaria escriva.

Have you ever ran into unexpectedly a member of your parish and they were being rude and abusive tool waitress . when you saw this what read through your mind was it good she's finally telling that lazy waitress off . or perhaps it was something different did you feel disgusted by their actions as say buoyed by the way they cuss you'd never know these people gave lots ability to the parish and sat front row during mass every Sunday. Congratulations you have just witnessed the biggest problem in the church today why is it that every Sunday there is always confusion as well as screaming adults trying to get out of the house to get to Sunday mass.of course always promised that you will do better next time.
Then of course y drive out of the parking lot. a A80 mi./h. to make it in see. The Cowboys play. You get to your friends house. and depending on the score you either yell and screaming from a variety of cuss words that would embarrass. a sailor. or Os the Cowboys are losing scream and cuss. twice as bad because every called by the referee if it is against the Cowboys is a bad call.. it Is at this point. of your Catholic faith. .That you  become a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. no Nobody watching that game with you any idea.whether. you walk with Christ or don't.

 as a Catholic our witness is in our actions sold by how we act and how we carry ourselves should always attest to the presence of God in your life.get we take this light of faith and tuck it away every time we are out of mass. it almost seems that we're ashamed of our own faith and don't want our friends to know about it. this This not what Christ intend for us to do with the many gift he has given us you cannot be ashamed of your faith in one part of your life and claim that you have faith in another part of your life tests just shows how willing you are to justify your selfish desires. in other words you place your ego in front of Christ. I have to ask what is it that make you you think you have that right.We must evaluate ourselves to see if this is one of our failures before Christ. then we must seek
for forgiveness in confession and then try our best to sin no more. . thank you and God bless you!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Due to our government not being able to put 80 company in a state

The one subject he did not hear a lot about today is the subject of euthanasia. This is duewhen the subject of euthanasia first came up it caused a near riot within the halls of Congress and the Senate and Obama's support for a while at least president Obama handed the keys to the candy store to the Republican Party. If you have ever had the experience of putting a pet to sleep you know that it is one of the most difficult decisions to make. Now it's just imagine how tough a decision it would be to euthanize a human being let alone a relative. The Bible states very clearly that God is the only one who decides on what day a year they pass from this world to the next. If you were working for the government at what age would you decide a individual has lived long enough and now is detrimental to society if he lives too long. So what age would it be in his 50s maybe but he still works doesn't he. How about 60 no that will not work because of the new retirement ages are up to 70 years old. Well then how does 80 years old strike you? Well while 80 years old looks good they say that people born today will live past the age of 100. Well Very well do it by age, so let's try to do it by medical cost. One in 10 US tax dollars are spent on diabetes in this nation. Yet researchers claim that in five years over 50% of Americans will have diabetes So shall we wipe out half the American population to determine a euthanasia sickness. Or shall we find another way or even another condition to place upon people that are no longer valuable to the human race. Honestly who could decide whether or not a person is deserving to be euthanized after having them Do we leave it up to the federal government to make that decision. After having them run General Motors into the ground as well as the United States. This not to mention Social Security Medicaid as well is our health care are all federal programs. All these programs were run by the US government and never turned a profit. They are known for the half million forms that must be signed for action is even taken. The action of euthanasia is a program that while hid in the same abortion bill does not have a place in American society. America was built on the fundamentals of faith in God and religious principles of that era. America is blessed beyond measure. But how long will God bless the nation that kills its unborn as well as the aged in our nation how long before we take the final step and pick a race and determined that race does not deserve to live. These steps have many similarities to that of  Nazi Germany. If we hit that point as a nation how long can we say God bless America.

God bless all of you all,
 all of you  God bless And see you tomorrow  God bless you all

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The day before a day of thanks serious Catholics only.

This post will hopefully be shorter than most. However this post will be perhaps the most important I ever blog. Every year on Nov 2, we are given the privilege of voting. This is a freedom that should not be taken lightly nor ignored because this is your voice. I once stated that if every Catholic voted the same way every year the Catholic vote could control this nation. However this will never happen because so many of our faith vote but not how they should. Voting your faith is perhaps the most important thing you can do for this country as we now find our nation on the brink of both economic and social disasters. The approval of abortion was passed in 1973. Prayer is absent throughout or school system. We see daily people and groups forced to take down crosses and the Muslims and their faith are given more freedoms that of the Christians faiths. While were I live no religious t-shirts and no religious medals to include crucifixes. These are common where I love. So off we go for a quick run down on the five issues Catholic (serious only).

The duty of every Catholic to vote is clearly defined among church documents however there are 5 issues that Catholics must stand on. I didn't say if the Average Catholics felt like it. I said must consider as a major factor in their voting decisions. In fact the Catholic Church calls these the five non-negotiable items. Number 1 on the list is abortion. Tomorrow number 2' Have a wonderful Mass and Thanksgiving. But also remember to thank the one who all thanks and glories belong.

God Bless


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

And now a word from a devout Catholic?

We all know that the Catholic Church has a canon law, this law which has been passed down during the entire history of the Catholic Church is meant to be to tell you what is required of you as a member of the body of Christ among several other topics. There are simple loss and there are more difficult laws the simple laws are going to confession once a year, no cremation at burial. Then of course there are the slightly harder ones that are largely ignored by our church today. Ladies and young women the obligated to wear a veil during services is one such law that today is largely ignored. Then there is even the harder ones no mutilation of the body this includes tattoos, piercings and other such habits.

These things we see every day are largely ignored by even the most devout Catholics. However because no one says anything does not make it correct nor even lawful within the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ it is days of miracles and walking the earth said one thing of importance he stated" render unto Caesar what is Caesar's render unto God what is God's. As a member of the body of Christ there are rules and laws that you are expected to obey and not ignore. One such law is the church's stance on respect for life makes no excuses  for the violation or the support of abortion.

A self proclaimed ardent Catholic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi stated in life news yesterday that Catholics have this conscience thing. By this statement Congresswoman Pelosi is responding to the American   Bishops Council refusal to support president Obama's health care plan on the grounds that a provision of the document supported federal  money to provide for abortions as part of his plan.
If You will recall this is still the same Nancy Pelosi that accuse those standing against aabortion within this bill were willing to let women die in the streets . Congresswoman Pelosi went on to further state that she was a ardent Catholic and loved and followed her faith . I Somehow have trouble with the statement that she is a ardent Catholic .
 Ms. Pelosi has been a career in Congress  voting against the precepts of the Catholic Church , therefore I cannot confirm her statement . she further stated in the same article how she is somewhat bothered by the fact that American Catholics listen to the Pope and not her.your decision on that last statement I leave to you.
  So I have figured out we can all decide who we want to be and what we want to do I have decided if she can be a Catholic or a ardent Catholic I can be the Easter Bunny but remember to get your  orders in early I move a little slow these days. .
This serves as a great opening for us to discuss a subject that is on a lot of lips today. I mean of of course election 2012. Catholics however are caught by what some would call a catch 22 .  however the Catch-22 can be easily explained by looking back at the words of Jesus render unto Caesar what is Cesar's and unto God what is  God's. the few rights left is the freedom to vote this is given to you by he laws of the United States.  So you have the right to vote and the right too a right of privacy as to how and who you voted for however does Thia right. .
Apply to God? .sadly.For some. it does not. for to render unto. God . What what is we must vote . our faith so how can real Catholics vote for abortion . because if you do . no matter how you try
.you cannot justify it . so be. . a real . Catholic and vote your faith .

God Bless

Sunday, November 20, 2011

It is worth it

Hey all been away awhile and I am hoping things settle down enough to get myself organized and begin a regular schedule. A few things of note I will beginning a second blog soon it will not be so combative and more based on wisdom passed down by many Church leaders. I forsee a couple more times that the blog will be down (please pray for no blizzards in the Texas panhandle), I will be away from Jan 2 2012 to Jan 7 2012 Have to go to a Doc to get a disability rating. so heading to the Ellis Clinic. Also forgive any words not spelled correctly As I have gone to a laptop computer and began using dragon software. Great software if you do alot of letter writing or blogging. It costs in the area of 40.00 dollars but is well wotth it. Just a hint don't buy it off TV they charge too much Wally World has it at lowest cost. The last item is that we will be going over The Catholic Voters Guide, it discusses voting our faith. I will close for now and will maintain the folloqing blogging schedule. Monday thru Saturday I need to rest on Sunday as did the lord, and I feel that blogging on Sunday is not in accordance with God's desire for a day of rest. God Bless You.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Don't forget to say thank you!

With the coming of Advent and the upcoming changes in the mass we must take a breathand reflect upon the many things we have been blessed with the with the year. It is hard to conceive of society that does not take the time to offer thanks for all the blessings of been put upon during the year. Yet often this is what we see. I am of course talking about Thanksgiving. By October 1 there are many banners up to noting that it is time for Thanksgiving. Now I do not know what kind of night you have in your neighborhood come Thanksgiving but I do know that in my neighborhood Thanksgiving is all but gone as most adults do not wish to celebrate this event. But here is where the winter comes in as soon as the last piece of candy is sold up go the Christmas decorations. Now I must admit that I am no large fan of the commercialized Christmas that stocks our land. Pictures of cute little elves and Santa in his sleigh not to mention the happy elves working on toys is enough to set me to a migraine. I challenge each one of you to find a nativity set up anywhere you care to shop at. Unless of coarse you are shopping at a religious bookstore.

Now think how Thanksgiving is celebrated each and every year. Usually by November 20 you have your turkey already started to thaw. Though there are two schools of thought in the following statement one for women and one for men usually. That's does not say there are not exceptions to this rule. In the first instance one looks forward to cooking a large Thanksgiving meal in the same breath cries thought of the dishes the most who washed in the kitchen that must be cleaned. On the other side of the agenda is of course those who look forward to the football. They know that Thursday to Monday football games are on all over and their outlook is to lay back on the couch the like there's no tomorrow and watch football, however I would say if you are not used to these people do not stand in front of them during the football game. If there is a bad call that the person does not like and he has a mouth full of turkey sandwich. When he jumps up to yell about the call you could be struck by the turkey or bread traveling at 100 mph by a projectile called half chewed turkey. These type of injuries are perhaps the most common on Thanksgiving and could lead to blindness or at lease the thought of wearing some one's half chewed food all over your shirt or your face and Lord protect you, if you are caught between two or three of them because it the point of the bad call all three jump up and you feel you are being attacked with a machine gun. So there we are with our Thanksgiving. We have cooked, ate, watch football and even spent a few minutes praying over the food but we are about to eat giving thanks for it.

The courses begins the second part of Thanksgiving, some may call it Black Friday and others call it ridiculous. Another ridiculous part is people will spend four nights camped in front of a Best Buy in the attempt to lay their hands on a 40 inch LCD TV with the price tag of $120. Come rain, come snow ,come dark of night these people man their posts with a fierce grow at anybody tries to cut in line. Every year someone either get seriously wounded or killed as the store doors open up . But they are willing to face these dangers or a television set. This is sort of  what we have become very materialistic and heaven help anybody that gets  in the way.  I have two sometimes lower my head and pray as what people willing to sacrifice to get that TV. I have to wonder what the martyrs of our faith have to say about that. St. Joan of arc Was burnt at the stake. Many of the martyrs were stone crucified and beheaded for their faith For our faith we are willing to wait outside for a couple of days to get the one super deal everybody else there is looking for also. It could almost make a person cry .So there it is the new Thanksgiving celebration that forgets God but never forgets where the 40 inch LCD television is at.

It is amazing how much as a society we have changed when it comes to days of offering prayer and thanks the many blessings we have received throughout the year. gone are the days of the early church service and then a family all help to the meal well Thanksgiving is explained to the children of the house. the meal  is prayed over and the time of family togetherness  is a welcome relief from the daily grind which we all need on occasion . everyone takes their time of togetherness instead of  trying to stuff your face during the 3 1/2 min commercial break. Traditions are often the best way to pass down a small piece a family history and dinner time is also a great time to speak of God and family stories they can be passed down this is a good time to give children a sense of themselves as well as a sense of their Creator in this tradition is all too lost in the shopping and materialism of today . there are many events that I have not addressed yet and I will address them in future posts to come.
But I ask open your minds and make a honest look at how you spend your Thanksgiving we will discuss other Subjects that. can cause. a Catholic To drink. Until then God Bless

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Clap your hands except to that.......

Hey all,
Now I know some of you think I am going to tear into clapping for the band or choir after they finished their song at the end of Mass. Yes I know that clapping is not to be done in Church but this is not my subject today. Today I would like to talk about how through out life Christ shapes you. Now I do not mean by the Sacraments I mean by his hands. Ever look back with awe and think to yourself "Man I used to love that and now I don't" often it feels weird so we shrug it off. However should we? Or can we pray to God with great fervor and realize we are the jars he is the maker. For some this is a very tough thing to acknowledge in our lives due to the fact we like to think (with our I centered ego) that we run things and God is like the sports trainer and sits on the sidelines until called. If you carry this idea and only talk to God when you need something lose it! God is the head coach and we run the plays he gives us, now does this mean we are a robot? No because you are only really free once you have accepted that God runs the show. So yes you could turn away from God's advice and do your own thing "there is that ego word again" but I highly recommend against it. Each of us are human, Christ came to save us and to prove that a life without sin can be done. So when I say ego I do not always have to use the word ego because anytime you choose self over God you have used ego. I know better how to deal with this than Christ, Many will deny it because ego does not like to be exposed. You see if it can be admitted to and exposed it can be defeated. A deep examination should be under taken anytime you mind and heart present that ole feeling of "well I'm not that bad" or any such excuse dig deeper ego hides well in excuses and the lies we tell ourselves to make us feel good.

A little change of gears here on God being the maker and we being the jars. It begins almost unnoticed and we fail to see it for many years. You used to love that trike but it is headed for the trash when you get a bicycle. You like the bike because you can go further and explore more of the world. So realizing there is nothing you can do without God. At this very moment in your life he increases your exposure to the world so you can begin to see his mighty work. Years pass and other things do also, you want a XBOX with kinect instead of playing tag. why you may ask? simple everybody else is doing it. These are the most dangerous years of life. From 11 to 20 you will make some of the most important and challenging decisions of your life and many will take a toll on your own life. It starts as a "hey everybody does it man". This is when you face decisions on alcohol,drugs,pre-marital sex and how you learn to treat other people. It is also where you learn to be a sheep or a leader. A sheep wears everything the popular people wear act like them talk like the and even treat others the same as them. Being yourself and handing God the controls is so much easier it is something I wish I had done at that time. I was a bit of a loner in high school and to this day I am much the same. After many weeks in the mental and detox wards in the mental hospital I saw things that will have a lasting effect on me. I was there for depression many were there for addiction. I saw a 20 year old who thought nobody cared for him as his Mother put down everything he did and most of his friends did not want to hear of his problems. He was suicidal explaining to him in group that we was never alone was at times was difficult. However you would not believe the things we had in common it was Erie. So as I was sitting there we became a Band of Brothers, sometimes yes we have issues but we know that in this group we are never alone God is with us and we are with each of us always.

So you have a car and you avoided most of the snares of childhood and the late teen years. Your taste in music has changes 3 or 4 times as you went from what your parents liked to your early taste of music and then you settled. However if your over 50 please don't give me any of this rap stuff. it is pathetic to watch. Then you see her (the one) is it love or lust? If your divorced within 1-3 years yeah it was in all likely hood it was lust. Marriage is something God gave us that is very special and should never be ended by divorce. It is a time when two become one and yes you do change it usually is never noticed how big a change of life it is. If you are one of these party mongers who party every weekend and every night. You become after time more and more home centered and your party buddies fade away. Suddenly you have new friends and even with these new friends is a danger. Many "Born again" evangelical faiths seem to think you need to be rescued as a Catholic and try to get you to accept their faith. These are not friends they are glory hounds who will let the world know that they converted a Catholic notice I did say they converted not God converted. Sometimes it is sad to see but these converts go home to the Catholic Church because they just don't feel right. There is a whole deep inside them that must be filled and that is the Catholic Church.

What brought me to this point is no more that 5 years ago I was a solid country western fan, I liked all the songs that went to NR one and listened to the newest hits possible. Toby Keith was on the radio today (One of my favorites) singing a song called Red Solo Cup. I had to change to channel to a classic country station. This somehow said allot to me as I began to realize that I am not done yet and Christ is still working with the clay that I am. The changes in life are never hard to make because they often are never noticed. Perhaps if we see that Christ is still working with us and our race is not done we could all stand up and say enough and fix the near porn on TV the cussing in video games and release the hold that the world tries to pin on us so we may move deeper into a relationship with Christ. Dare we dream of a day that TV was like it was in the mid sixties. Or radio was like it was in the middle sixties. And every person was treated equally and judged upon their skills not the color of their skin. Amen I say Lord let it come let it come.
God Bless you all in your lives and be as the mouse. serve God in secret so he can see in secret and reward you.

Finally back!

Hello all,

I am finally back from a beast of a stay in the hospital. Apparently I was suffering from a bad case of depression. If you have ever had it I need say nothing more. I am going to run a fine line between politics and faith here. As I have said Catholics have no business in politics but to observe is never a bad thing as unless informed we can all make a poor decision. I will ignore the Democratic side as they hold the oval office,  The Republican side is a big jumbo list of people. So here goes my handicap of the 2012 primaries and the who the next President will be.
Mitt Rommny - The current front leader of the herd, He is well spoken and has knowledge of most issues. His attempt at trying to create a social medication policy (like Obama's) is likely to drag him down by Jan-Feb.
Herman Cain- Loved this guy earlier on and was clearly second to Mitt in the run off. But with his terrible 9-9-9 economic plan was horrible followed by the accusations of sexual molestation has all but sunk him already. Yesterday he came in at third in national polls behind Rommney and Gingrich. He is already gone he just won't accept fact that he is done yet.
Rick Perry - Being a Texan it is hard to say it but Perry is already gone. Forgetting his 4th agency and then looking like a idiot before all America. He isn't toast just yet nah he is burnt toast.
Bachman (as much as I love her anti-abortion stance is done as are the rest). Everybody else accept one you must pardon me but I have forgotten them already. I still wish Rick Santourman was in there or got a massive attraction to his campaign but not going to happen. His VP chance is good and hopefully he will be in the mix.
Newt Gingrich- This is the man I expect to win. in less than 4 months the economy as well as foreign policy are going to be horrible by election day. Americans are (for some the first time) are looking at the issues and asking very direct questions. Newt Gingrich is the man just because he has the knowledge to fix it and put this nation back at the top in the list. Watching the debates he does not give in to these petty debate arguments he stands above staying above all the baloney and only when a how would you fix the problem does he reply. He gives facts and figures that add up to the end a answer that everybody understands. People like him but not at first he has to grow on you a second. Once there he ends up being the man. Now understand I am not saying he is your man actually nor mine but he will be the nominee.
I should say some about Ron Paul he is qualified and quite ready to be the next President. However if you read the polls behind the polls he is liked allot 58% approval rating. But if asked will you vote for him that approval number don't cook the turkey. He comes out with 22%. He is a self acknowledged rebel and people see him as a right wing isolationist wacko and will never elect him. I do promise back to the actual subject on Sunday.