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Monday, September 5, 2011

Part two of our three garbage in garbage out

When we first secure employment in our careers we have to realize that there are certain trade-offsbetween our morals and our need to support our families or our career goals. Trade-offs are wherever you find them if you are the lower end of the total goal trade-offs may contain training time with family to work often with no choice as you work in a secular environment you also must hear words, conversations, as well as the every day gossip. The issue here becomes if you remain according to your morals aloof from these conversations you will be seen by coworkers to being for lack of a better term stuck up. Being labeled such means that you are socially dead within your the working world or at least this job. So you must choose between your morals and the idle gossip of the world room floor and often the choice is to accept the idle gossip of the floor this is often our first surrendering of our morals on the job. However it does not end there there is also the social side of the work place. It is often popular for people to want to go out on Friday evening to drink down a couple beers, blow off steam and in this process you can develop two areas of difficulty. The first be spending time away from your family and taking money that could go for things you need and spend it on drinks instead. Therefore you sacrificed to morals time with family and stewardship money. The fact that alcohol is there leads to many other issues. It is said alcohol loosens, the tongue However this is not all it loosens. You also lose your ability of decision and your ability to control your own mouth. It is said in the Bible that what comes out of a man's mouth comes from the heart. Alcohol in moderation is fine too much alcohol is not. Good. If you are intoxicated and without your ability to control what you say there is the obvious chance will offend someone or let go of information from your life that you would rather nobody knows about. The problem in this situation is what you release in a intoxicated state will be turned against you at a later date. We has humans take great value in being liked. So much so that we are willing to believe that when we are part of the social group everyone within our group likes us However the next time you feel this watch what happens when one of the group goes to the bathroom. He becomes the subject of conversation and nowhere is there now a kind word instead anything that can be used to reduce his stature is brought out. When he returns from the restroom it is back to everybody being friends. If you think this never happens to you for lack of a better term you are a fool. At work everyone puts up a front they want to be head of the pack or in the know so they can trade information for brownie points with management. Management for its part condone such behavior to find troublemakers, dissenters and those who they feel are disrupting harmony.

     The main point is that if we hold our morals we are soon social outcast and many will want you removed from your position. In management the issue is made twice as baas there is a level of politics within management. This is caused by competition to rise above the current level of managers around you and those seeking to replace you. In the management political world you tell your boss what he wants to hear and at every possibility you kiss his rear. This becomes a way of life as well as a survival skill. Those who cannot develop such skills are doomed to failure. It is rare in today's world for a manager to promote you simply on the basis of hard work. Managers are expected to be the first in and the last out family time all but dries up. Perhaps this is the price we pay for giving up one of our most basic command of humility. It is said by one of our greatest church doctors to remain small. To not seek power for ourselves but to do the little things of God perhaps this is why she is called Little flower. I also believe that this is why many are not happy in their jobs trading morals for advancement and position goes against the very fiber of our Catholic beliefs.
time that our physical losses on our body are replaced by a tenfold increase of wisdom within our brains and spirits. My only wish is to learn this fact sooner rather than later.
     In a world of impure thoughts and selfishness we must remember that we are not of this world. The world we see full of pornography vial language and sell over others is not a world that any of us wish to be in. Yet Christ has sent us to this world to be a light shining as a lamp in a very dark world. Last night it was reported on the news that New York City had over 30 gunshot deaths in one day. Chicago also had the same issues but to a lesser extent. most of those killed one wounded were teenagers and children who had never been shown the light of Christ. we all including myself must do a better job of spreading the gospel of Christ to the young of this nation so that they may repair all the damage we had  done. in the past 100 years were less we have gone from the world of caring for others to caring for ourselves only. I am sure that when Jesus looks upon what we have done with this world  he  cries. we will all answer for this great injustice upon our fellow man between the ages of 20 and 50 we are capable of changing the world in one way or another . the majority of us let this time pass until we cannot change anything . however I believe that with God all things are possible and we should not give up this fight to change our world to a world of  love of others and denial of self no matter our age no matter our situation no matter our political convictions. We can no longer as a member of the body of Christ have one leg in the secular world and the other in God's kingdom we must all make a choice I hope that those who read this make the correct decision is not difficult all we must do is the little things and if we all do the little things love will spread selfishness will die and all shall come to the realization of Christ and his Grace and mercy and love for us all.
 On a separate note I apologize for being away for my blog as I have been working with voice recognition software. this software goes through a time of training so if you see line that makes no sense please forgive and   bear with me until the software gets an idea of my voice patterns .
until then God bless you and may he keep your family and home safe  amen. 

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