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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Houston Veterans Administration just the beginning?

I am sure many have heard the story by now, but if not the Veterans Administration in Houston has made it policy that using the word God,Jesus or even the phrase "may God bless you" is forbidden at funerals in their graveyards or any other function they are involved with. Why may you ask is the reason for such a action? The official word from the Houston VA is that they find the word God offensive.
     This made me mad enough to post on my blog during a vacation. God is offensive, to who? Atheists,Muslims,Buddhists or wiccans ? Big deal so don't use the word God at their funerals no harm no foul. To deny  these words is deny the individual freedoms of a United States Citizen and the start of a constitutional forbidden act of creation of a religion by our Government. I have served in the US military for many years, and in looking back on those years I learned two basic facts. First a love and respect for the fallen of our military. These people paid the ultimate price for our freedom and for our nation. To deny a soldier who believes in God is criminal. The second rule is how blessed this nation is I have been to both Japan and Berlin Germany. I have seen the wall fall and yet our freedoms in this nation are far more extensive than in their lands.
     So far we have chased God out of our schools and Government buildings (funny as that our laws are built on the ten commandments). We have banned nativity scenes on Federal property and have even challenged a cross that sits on a small piece of Federal land in Hawaii. We have fought to keep God in our Pledge of Allegiance as well as on our coins and as individuals on our cars,houses and bedrooms. This case will soon go to the Supreme Court and as much as I hope it fails the mere fact that such a case has to go to the Supreme Court is in a word "scary". Are we seeing the first steps of a time to come when the Catholic Church is outlawed in the land of the free?
     The time has come for us stand up and fight back, the fact that our church can if it were to vote in a block elect a president. Then why do we have pro-abortion presidents and senators or Congressmen?
We seem to say the right things during mass, but when we vote our Catholic faith does not penetrate to the voting booth. So now after years of Catholics voting against their own faith and ignoring God and our Canon Laws look where we are. We are sadly in a time when the words God and Jesus are forbidden at a Catholic burial for one of our Veterans. The very freedoms they fought for and protected are denied them because somebody yelled they were offended.Congratulations to the Catholics who do not vote their faith, what now?
     As the Body of Christ we no longer can wink and nod and then vote pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-atheist and lastly pro- getting rid of God in our society all together. How long will God continue his blessings on a nation that rejects him and allows it's unborn to die. Yes my brethren this is a first step buried in the newspapers it is doubtful any of the major networks will mention it. Thank God for Fox News they covered it but in very small detail. Now I know that  people read this and say to themselves "This guy is a nut and nobody can tell me what to do or how to vote. I agree (except for the nut thing) but I ask you to pray and listen to God before you vote. Then will you find what I am speaking of. We cannot go on keeping God at a distance we must as Catholics vote our beliefs and those of the Holy Catholic Church.
     I am not God so therefore I have no idea what he will do in regards to our nations rejection of him.  However in my opinion I must state that in my eyes if you vote for abortion you are responsible in part for the murder o0f countless babies in our abortion clinics during the year. Your vote, your responsibility. The issue of Church and State is meant to forbid Government from forcing a religion on it's people. Seems one again the Constitution is ignored. And a Government religion is being born, we call it Political Correctness and it has invaded all things. If one person is offended we can't do do that action and early results show our faith is one of the top three targets if not number one.
     Finally I would like to thank those who pray daily and say the rosary daily, you may be the only barriers between our country and disaster.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

On Vacation

Hey guys I will be posting in a few days on vacation in Colorado visiting terminally ill Father.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Don't count on your salvation until it comes

In a recent poll people were asked at random will they go to heaven, over 85 percent said yes. There are many ways people justify the fact that they believe they are going to heaven. One of my personal favorites is "God is a God of love and a God that loves us would never send anybody to Hell". The others range from "once saved always saved" or the even more adorable "I have been a good guy and been nice so I will go to Heaven". Then there are those who think I really don't have to worry about it till later in my life.
     St. Padre Pio in the later years of his life kept a statue of St. Joseph on his desk. When a fellow member of his order asked why he stated "Because I fear for my eternal soul". St. Padre Pio worried that he would be found unworthy of heaven and thereby go either to Purgatory or Hell. If you have read anything about his life you as the monk who asked him about his statue would be thinking to yourself why in the world was this guy worried he led a very holy life and performed miracles as well as carried the stigmata. With a resume like that if he was worried I am doomed!
     All to often we say the right things like "I am a good Catholic so I will go to heaven". Then just after communion we sneak out of Mass go buy a twelve pack and put on the game. We cuss the refs and scream and holler all sorts of insults and we continue this life as a pattern. We confess our sins in Reconciliation Mass and then repeat them again right after leaving the confessional. Wash, Rinse and repeat week to week it never changes and we are satisfied we will go to Heaven. Now at this point many will say well that is not me yet after a very deep examination and meditation of your self and your ways you find that is not really true. The longer you meditate and do a deep examination of your soul and heart the more flaws you find. It is almost depressing enough to make you want to give up.
     Yet I would say to you don't as the way to fix the error is to confront it face to face. The first step is to regain your prayer life, don't just say them out of habit but concentrate on each word and open you heart to receive the love that results from those prayers. Second read your scriptures with a new vigor really thinking on each verse and what it means. What did Jesus mean by what he said? What was the real meaning of his parables? Yet do not confine your reading to just scripture expand it out and read of the Church Fathers and the Saints follow their examples. A great book is An Imitation of Christ. And then begin your mission. Wake up every morning determined to do a kind act and do so daily. By this act alone you are doing far more than most have done in their lives.
     Death walks the Earth and nobody really knows where he will strike next. When you go to sleep tonight will you wake up in the morning? Any age and at any time death can strike with such suddenness it can leave us asking why? Your eternal soul is not something you should be putting it off with I will do it tomorrow because all to often tomorrow never comes and it is too late. Prayer,reading and action are what Jesus loves and as you get closer to God by your acts and prayers and readings the graces begin to flow more abundantly. While these are great steps to do what God wills in your life never take your trip to heaven for granted. For only God has the right to say yes or no and his decision will not accept excuses or procrastination you will be judged as you are stripped of any explanation and left only with his words of rebuke to serve as a stinging reminder of a wasted life spent in comforts and earthly treasures. The tears of regret will do nothing to change his mind. I often believe that my tears of regret will be enough to fill a river. Keep a humble heart and never think to highly of yourself. In all things give thanks to God and pray that while some are noticed for what they do, you will remain unnoticed and unrecognized so the temptation of pride never falls upon you. Keep your eyes fixed on God. He never said we would enjoy life here in this world. Instead he said we will suffer in this world and be persecuted. Rejoice when this happens and thank God for your suffering. In the next life we will be put in the furnace and all things worldly will be pass away. Strive instead for the Kingdom of Heaven where Christ promises a eternity of happiness and bliss. In short keep you eyes on the prize and don't let sloth or Satan take your eyes away from this goal.

Until next time my friends pray for each other and do a kindness a day, you might be surprised at the results.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Let's pray for the 163 million

     Lets look at a number, 163 million. Now that's a big number but what does it represent. The answer is simple no it's not the number of stars in the sky, nor is it the newest lottery prize. It's not even the number of years before the Colorado Rockies will need to win a World Series (that number can't be calculated)  So what is this very large number?
     Last year alone 163 million female fetuses were aborted because the couple preferred a male child. We should be thankful as a entire world that God is a God of mercy and not of wrath. At the moment of conception there is life despite the pro-abortion claims that actual life comes later. This is not a isolated incident but is repeated year after year as our world turns blacker and blacker with the stain of sin.
     Yet so few take up the sword to fight this battle in favor of the defenseless child in the womb who is murdered just because she is the wrong sex for the couple. I cannot think of a more selfish act than to murder over the sex of a child, Even worse is the apathy of such a matter in the rest of the world. In our country the fact that we fund abortions all over the world is barely seen as news. We support candidates who support abortion and think nothing of it. We allow our tax money to be spent to support agencies that kill fetuses at will.
     Therefore we are taking part in the murder of 163 million souls a year and remember this is just females. As a Church body we have the ability to elect a President if we as a Church vote in a single block. What happens all to often we vote for self rather than in accordance to Gods will. We vote with our hands out saying what can you give me instead of holding  our candidates responsible for their promises. All to often candidates treat the abortion issue with sort of a fleeting fancy. While campaigning they stomp and snort how they will do away with abortion. After they are in office this subject goes straight to the bottom of the to do list. So what can we do to make a difference?
     First get involved! Fight the battles by taking an active roll. Prayer is essential as this is our greatest weapon against the evils of murder. Take part in the 40 day and 40 night prayer vigils and pray the rosary daily. Take part of the prayer vigils in front of the clinics who perform these murders . And finally vote and write your Representatives both at the state level as well as the national level. Stop funding murder and start supporting life. There is no reason for anyone in this nation to be hungry and homeless. We can apply more monies to support nations that are in famine or at war and bring peace to their land and then invest in giving these people a future. We will never get rid of all hunger in the world, but if we teach self dependence and stay until it is working we will make a difference. There are nations today that have thousands a year die of starvation. It should not matter as to if they are friend or foe. Hunger is hunger and this is the real enemy. Then we need to follow up and demand the food go to the people not the pockets of a leader who makes himself rich by abusing our kindness. Lastly (I know this sounds bad) we should demand that the UN stop all funding and performance of abortions or remove this organization and send it to Geneva and stop our contributions until this requirement is met. This move will not make real popular but it will save lives. I would be willing to trade world respect by the bucket to save just one of  these souls.
     In McAllen Texas recently a pro life group went to look at a dumpster behind the clinic. What they found was horrific fetus body parts in the dumpster, medical waste to include vials of blood, and bits of flesh torn apart during the abortion process. It needs to stop not later but now. A child is not a matter of convenience it is a duty placed into our hands by God. When shall we as a nation remember we are one nation under God. That this is not just a slogan but a statement of fact regarding our nation. Our forefathers believed it and now more than ever we need to return to it. God Bless You

Monday, June 20, 2011

The story of NBC and the lousy apology

Before jumping on to this discussion I had to really take a bit to calm down. My dilemma was two fold as I was offended at two different levels. The first was at the basic level of my Catholic faith. I mean to remove the term under God from our Pledge of Allegiance. The second level was my military level having served many years in the Army I do not like to see people change what to me is a part of  our nation. Now as part of the Apology NBC went on to say "That under God was no part of the pledge until the late 1950's. While I grant that this was true we must keep in mind that this nation (weather those of the atheist beliefs want to destroy the beliefs of our nation or not).
      This post will be a rare one for me as it will be a short one. Our fore fathers founded this nation on the principles of freedom of religion as well as the precept of rights that were God given and sent upon our nation as well as the blessing bestowed upon this great nation.
     So I ask all of you who believe that God has a place in this nation as well as a role to play in this world I ask you to boycott NBC until such time as a real and heartfelt apology is made and also to boycott those companies that advertise with them. If this nation turns it's back upon God again as it has many times before. I can only pray that God never shall turn his back on us.
Thank You God Bless

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A day of Service

Have been working with my Brothers in The Knights of Columbus making and installing handicap ramps for the disabled and poor. No post for Saturday however we will post on Sunday.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The importance of being a Catholic 24 hours a day 365 days a week.

A little known fact is how much The Catholic Church all pulling together could affect this country. For instance it takes 68,000,000 to elect a President. There are 75,000,000 Catholics of voting age. So it goes to follow the Catholics of this nation could control the Presidency by force of vote alone. Yet in no election (including John F. Kennedy's election in 1961.) Why? The reason are perhaps more complicated than we are willing to believe. The main issue is flawed teaching in out CCD and RCIA programs and a loss of identity and union within our own Church. A fact which nobody wishes to address among the Priesthood or the body
The Priest fears internal strife within his church and the body wishes not to make waves and risk losing their social place within the Church. We have this condition in our Church due to one thing, selfishness. We want to have our faith as we want it. In a earlier post I called it a buffet type of faith, pick and chose what you want and don't have anything to do with what you don't want.
     In today's world most will turn to themselves and say why not? I can go down the road to this Church and they say all I have to do is ask Jesus into my heart and I am good forever or what is called once saved always saved. What no Confession or CCD classes or rules about who I can and can't live with this is allot easier and plus all my sins are forgiven and I can do all I want to do without worry. Judas betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver. it is a shame that many are bought off for allot less. In a world that bombards us to look young by whatever means. That you have a right to have control over your body. Men who won't be men so women have to fill both jobs. As we are bombarded we need every new thing in site and all must be that perfect figure with that perfect hair and a computer that can do anything to include combing your hair. Pornography is readily available and if you can't get it online or in the store just stay up late and watch cable television in the wee hours of the morning.
   With all this that we face can we be expected to conform to a 2000 year old church that has a rule or guidance on everything including things I like to do but can't by it's leaders? The answer is simple yes. God never said love your neighbor except when his family is starving and needs food and at the same time The Dallas Cowboys are playing. He never said do unto others except you just really don't have the time. Jesus never said at the Last Supper "do this in memory of me', Unless your hungover and there is a great game that starts at 10AM. And the second commandment has never said "I shall have no other God before me" unless something better comes along. To worship a graven image is easy today cell phones that text, IPADS that stream the Internet almost anywhere and MP3 players that are making our kids more hard of hearing by the minute. These destroy family communication and when we should be taking every chance to praise and worship God we are too busy listening to "The Safety Dace" or what ever other kind of music we desire. Yes there are still graven images they just come with transistors now and young America will someday in the not to distant future will learn to not care about anybody due to the dehumanization of society.
     So with all of this working against us to include the evil one or the many things not mentioned above. Do we really have to do all that Catholic stuff when two blocks away is a Church that says come to Church get saved and your set ? In a word yes and you are still required to do more than attend Mass and sneak out right after Communion you are called to pray,Love everybody as you do yourself, help the poor,hungry,homeless and those in need of coats. And we don't just do it during a can food drive or a winter coat drive or a fan drive for when its hot, We do it everyday with deeds and prayers. All too often our answer is well I will do it later, and repeat this line of nonsense until we are out of later and are facing judgement. I can assure you the last words you ever want to hear is :"I never knew ye".
     The Catholic faith has never been a faith of OK I will do this part but not that part. I will help the poor but not go to Church. You cannot bargain with God you are either a member of his Church of you are not there is no inbetweens and no half measures. You either practice the entire faith and follow all the instructions of the Church or choose not to and risk the eternal punishment that I pray nobody will ever face. Jesus said "The way to Hell is wide" so it is very very easy to get there. However the path to heaven is very narrow and few shall enter. Now I cannot say if you need to work on a few things but I sure know I need to. And this is the whole point of our faith we cannot do it alone we are dependant on God for our very breaths as well as his graces and mercies he gives us out of his love. The common notion is "well God loves man too much to send me to Hell". Are you willing to bet your eternal soul on that? I for one am not as I have found no proof of God saying to anybody "Your a great person and I love you too much to cast you into Hell. God it says wishes that no man see eternal punishment however it stops there and he speaks often of  people he warns to change their ways or they will be in the eternal fire.
     So what do we have to do? The playbook is in your hands in the four gospels and acts as well as many of the early Church Fathers Writings. We must be Catholic 24/7 not ever from 9 to 5. Praying,helping, working and serving God in all you do. I have in my Early years of being a Catholic been through a few times (well more that a few) times of being short on money. So often I was fond of saying "well I don't have the money I will wait till things get better". Sometimes my stupidity out paces my common sense by a mile. Will you ever be rich enough? The immediate answer is no, because the more money you have the more you have to do with it. By the time you are through and you remember you should give to the Church it's gone. If you do not have enough money to help and this is due to poverty in your house there is a simple answer. If you can't afford the money to help......pray!. Pray for everything not just yourself but the poor,the prisoners.the homeless and the sick or dying or even for the souls in Purgatory. For by this act alone you are lifting the situations to God who can do all things.
     OK no money, pray easy! However it gets harder as stated in the very beginning of this blog when some more problematic things come into play. When you vote are you voting in a pro-abortion candidate and if you are, are you an accessory to the murder of our unborn children in this nation? I cannot judge weather you are or not however if the Church can at will together elect a man President by using just it's own. Then I ask why is there abortion in this nation today? You can also ask why is there a death penalty? The church is opposed to the death penalty under normal circumstance but will allow it in crimes of unusual cruelty or violence. Kill one man or two it is life. Kill your wife as well as your kids by starting a fire in your home and then locking them in so there is no escape. Death row. Now I live in Texas where we have a expressway to death row and before being re found to the Catholic Church I was very much in favor of death sentences in many cases. However because of my faith I must take a step back and look at it from a second point. It is in this way I avoid applying a death sentence against the will of God. You can apply this to all of the issues of today birth control, adultery,family abuse, and every other kind of issue we face today.
     Sometimes we say " Well so what if I don't do these things, they don't affect me so why should I worry. I know that in our lives we have all seen shows like "Leave it to Beaver" or "Father Knows Best" . Many of us look to that point of time with a almost wishful thinking that we too want to be there. Dad went to work, Mom stayed home took care of the house and kids went to school and played on the streets until dark and came in only when Mom had called us to come inside and was on her third warning. We had no need of cell phones,texting and the thought of our parents ever divorcing was as remote as the stars. Many will argue this is true but now women are equal. Are they? The Single Mother population is raging out of control as are STD's and rapes. Women have not become equal the pill and abortion have made them so disrespected that they are now only tools to a mans gratification. Kids have no respect in schools and not much more at home. We both in our homes as well as a member of The Body of Christ must stand up together and say enough! It took fifty years to get this way it may take another 50 years or longer to fix it. I suggest we fix it before "I'll do it later" time has ran out and we all must ask the question why have you let my people come to this.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A close friend there when you need them.

In my days in the world when sin meant nothing to me let alone was I even aware what it was I had many friends. Now most of us can relate to that unless you were raised from birth in the Catholic Church and even then when young you error. I was 19 in the military as a Morse code interceptor it was 1981 and really I was on my own for the first time not having anybody looking over my shoulder. The saddest of stories is how many young people die in violence,drugs or auto accidents for the simple reason they don't think they will ever die. To a young man of age range 16 to 25 there is no fear of death because you feel 10 feet tall and bullet proof. This is true except (in most cases) when you sit and have a heart to heart about death,judgement and the realities of Hell, Heaven and Purgatory. If you have done this bravo if not you may want to try this as your children first enter their first taste of freedom.
     Well in these days I had a friend named Mike like me he loved country music and loved to drink and in my present spiritual condition I was right there with him. Tuesday and Friday were country music night at the Torii Club in Okinawa. Now the Torri club was a on post club so the drinks were cheap and flowed freely to all 21 or not. It was said by many If either Mike or I were in jail the other would be right with them. Anybody knew ( which I did not at enlistment but found out quickly after basic training) that if you were MOS 05H better known as a Hog you drank. The reason you did was to get along with people you considered your friends. If you did not drink you did not fit in. As time went by in late 1981 and early 1982 our group was a total of 35 people both young men and women and your entire social life was within this group. You dated and drank and had parties together with the same people all the time allot of lifetime friends were made their, or at least I thought.
     Well the time came and I was ordered to Colorado and most of my Friends went everywhere else. The girl I dated (and  thought I loved and she me) went to Ft Lewis Washington. Of course our relationship did not last long with out being together. I was dumped promptly as she boarded her flight for Washington State. Lesson number one absence does not make the heart fonder it makes it wander. So I continued this same life I had known and was content with my time their. In 1982 I was dating a girl who was once again part of our party group, We got married went to meet her folks and came back to Fort Carson. Sadly trouble came early for us as she left the military to have a child. Money got tight and with the condition of my soul drinking and partying were important priorities. My wife on the other hand changed. I was looked down upon by her family because I was Catholic (but only in name) and she was Pentecostal. She began to demand change to fit the Pentecostal way of life no smoking, drinking of partying of any kind. I began to resent the attempts she made to change me because what I did before being married she also did. Now suddenly I was being hammered unmercifully by both her and her family. We were both miserable. We still were together when we left Ft, Carson but now we had a daughter. She was my life and I loved her dearly. we were then sent to Hawaii for a three year tour, I decided in a attempt to save my marriage to accept this Pentecostal faith I found to my core made me feel very empty. I could not speak in tongues and although I attended church I was still looked at strangely.
     In Hawaii despite my attempts things went from bad to worse. My wife was miserable in Hawaii because she was so far from her family. We had our second child a boy. I loved him very much and was happy to be a Father to both of our children. However military life is time demanding and I had to spend many hours at work. So I began to realize I no longer fit in anywhere. I didn't party anymore and the Church treated me sort of like a stray dog. They kept a distance and were very nice to me but it was a plastic nice. After two years of our three year tour my wife wanted to go home. There was no other choice except to let her go. I stopped going to the Church who treated me like a leper and tried to live out my last year in relative peace. Sadly peace was not to be had. I was being hammered to get out of the military any way I could (I still had 3 years on my enlistment). So the only way out was to get a dishonorable discharge.
     It was made even worse when disaster struck close to my heart. I was in charge of a bay. Now to most Army they would say I had a squad. But a bay was anywhere from 1 to 24 people. I had 13. It was approaching Christmas when one of my young soldiers asked me for leave to go home for Christmas. I submitted the paperwork and it was denied. Now I would not have any of that as I knew she had not been home since joining the Army and I was dedicated to getting her leave. After a couple of days she got her leave (I think the Company Commander just wanted to keep me away from his desk). So she flew home and her Husband stayed in Hawaii due to his job and taking care of the house she would be gone for 21 days.
     One night as I was coming back from a concert at a club. I entered the company barracks and was asked by the CQ (charge of quarters) if I knew a Kelly (last name withheld) and I said yes I did I was her squad leader. I was then informed that she had died earlier that day in a traffic accident returning from a church concert. I was almost struck dead by the blow of this news. I went on auto-pilot and contacted my CO as to the situation. He said it was too late for him to go to her husbands home and deal with this. I was instructed to go to the home and make sure he was okay and in the morning lead the CO to his house. This made matters far worse for me as the thought of the hard fight to get her leave approved I began to feel responsible. I went to their home and the husband was quite distraught as he like her was all of maybe 19. The knowledge of death had all to soon came home to he and me. The next day I took the Commander to his house and was instructed to let the Army handle it now.
     The emotional crisis I went through was deep my soldier  was dead and I was responsible. I had no wife with me to work through it and friends were scarce. I spent a couple of sleepless nights in my barracks room getting deeper and deeper into a depression. I was asked to write a Eulogy for her as a memorial mass would be held to honor our lost comrade. I wrote the Eulogy and poured my heart out into it. I do not say this out of pride but it was beautiful. I went to sleep that night out of more emotional exhaustion than anything else. I was awakened by a knock on the door and was informed I was 15 minutes late to her service. I quickly jumped into my dress uniform and rushed to the chapel. I could hear the critical whispers as I walked to the podium. I was late, how could I be so rude the people whispered, however I was numb and delivered what my Commander called the best Eulogy he had ever heard. He sent a copy to her family. I based my eulogy on the premise as that we slept together (we worked a shift as the station had to be manned 24 hours a day). so everybody in this group had the same schedule. I really felt we were a family as we worked,slept, celebrated and everything else together. It was a work of art delivered by a suffering soul. I would spend many months in a depression and was being alienated from everybody. Most ridiculed me because I was different and the Commander decided to let me work through it. No wife (she was at her Mothers, no family in the unit and very alone. Still I did not consider going to God in prayer I tried to do it on my own.
     Second rule if you think your friends are family you are very mistaken. Hard time will come and your friends will be no where to be found. Third rule You can do nothing without God so why are you trying to do it yourself you are headed for failure. I left Hawaii headed for Fort Bliss Texas in 1986. I was still dealing with these feelings of guilt and although back with my family my wife was their in name only there was no compassion, love or even friendship there. I began to spend more time away from home and in the barracks as I buried myself in my work and also joined a small group of guys who were in to gaming. Family only in name my wife announced she was leaving with the kids and getting a divorce. The next day I left for work at 6AM and by 6PM when I got home everything was gone I was left with a TV, alarm clock and decorative wall hangings three of them with the words I love you. I saw it as a pretty sick joke. The divorce proceeded and was finalized in June 1988. I was again alone.
     Fourth rule even family will leave you if times get hard, When getting married ask God to help make sure your decision is a good one. I spent most of the next year alone buried in my work and was considered by all to be a quality soldier. Early in 1988 I finally broke down and begged God to bring somebody in my life that I could love and who could love me. A week later I met my current wife in a parking lot of my barracks. For the next 23 years and still today we are together and very much still in love. I cannot express my gratitude to God enough for bring her to me. She has stood by me in hard times and through times that I had sank into the depths of sin. She stood by me through it all and I today have 5 wonderful children and a new Grandchild to be thankful for. I finally rejoined the Catholic faith and have a joy I have missed beyond all imagination for many years. At my first Reconciliation since my return I wept bitterly I felt the weight of my sins leave me and said goodbye to a life in a black hole forever. However I wept most of all for 35 years of time lost that I should have been serving God there is no explanation of the sadness you fell at the lost opportunities of serving God.
     Fifth rule you can never have back time lost but you can find forgiveness in God. Since rejoining the Catholic faith we have found joy in every day of our lives beyond measure. I am a new person made so by the work of the Holy Ghost and I thank God as well as his son Jesus Christ to consider someone as low as I for a second chance. There is allot I cannot change nor ever will there after all are penalties to be paid for sin both here on Earth and after we pass to the presence of God. just about three years ago I was contacted by Jim he was one of our group members from Okinawa we were both allot older. We spoke on the phone and Jim came to where I lived to visit. It was a disaster. I had changed and Jim was expecting to find the same person he knew some 25 years ago. I had changed and he had not we rarely speak now if at all. Rule six We cannot go back after coming home to the Catholic Church at least no being the same.
     I spoke in the beginning about kids 16 years old and having no knowledge of death and the cost of sin. It took me 30 years of trying to do it all by myself and still after I discovered God was needed at every step and breath of my life another 4 years to come home to the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Since I have a had fire in my heart I never knew before and I thank God daily for the opportunities to serve him. If you have a young adult at home have him read this. I have been where he could end up and every word of this story is true. Rule seven pray always that your children never repeat the mistakes you have made and teach them to love God early and often it may even save their lives. Until next time my brethren May God bless you home and bless all who enter it.
Note: I apologize for the very long read but it was placed upon my heart that this story had to be told. Some may find my offenses so great they will never read this page again. To those whom I offend I ask your forgiveness for my short comings. My road was tough you may thank God yours was not.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The faith of a child ...a life lesson

     Jesus while on Earth going about his ministry and teaching his Disciples what they needed to know for there time of ministry talked about children. The one quote most point to is "Unless you believe as one of these you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Children are born with original sin until Baptism. Then as they grow they hit the ages I love. I call it the golden ages it is before they learn to lie or be mean or know the meaning of gossip, bearing false witness or hate. These lessons they learn later and are often taught at home although not intentionally. I mean lets face it they gotta learn it someplace.
     This quote has been most often looked at as a statement about the honesty or the trust a child has but there might be one section meaning that is overlooked as a given therefore not often meditated upon by some of us of the one true Catholic and Apostolic Church so I offer just a taste of this missing element in a life lesson from when I was very young. And no not when "Dino Polo" was played in high school as some of my children are fond of thinking.
     I was four at the time and living with my Grandmother who by all accounts was to me "Mom" because my biological Mother set me upon my Grandmothers porch when I was one and a half malnourished and she decided with my Father in Vietnam she did not want to deal with me anymore. I don't blame her for this, She carried me for nine months and never intentionally abused me. She was just too young and inexperienced to deal with a child and a household alone. I have always been grateful for what she did for me she loved me enough to give me away before any lasting harm came to me. So if you were named Joyce Goodboe at one time and you read this know that you are loved still by your son.
     So at the age of four I had been living with "Mom" for about two and a half years and was just entering the time frame that this old man can remember about his earlier years, and no Marc Antony was not the running back on my High School Football team. It was a day like any other my Grand Mother watched her "soaps" and as usual the mail came at noon. It must have been a hard time money wise because she without thinking she said aloud " I wish I wouldn't get anymore bills. Now somehow this statement resonated with me. I loved my Grand Mother beyond measure and everything she said was very real and relevant to me. I loved her, I trusted her beyond measure and at four would have gone to any length to stop her from hurting or worrying. However at four you really don't know what is a bill and what is not, all I knew was I wanted her to stop hurting and worrying. So I engineered a plan I thought was great at the time, however hindsite is 20/20. I would during the day while playing watch for that man who was bringing this bad news here. When the mail arrived I would get it and bury it in the backyard. My "Mom" did not want anymore bills and if I had anything to say about it she would never get another bill. This was going on for about two weeks or so and I never realized my Grandmother was going crazy because she was getting no mail at all. She complained to the Post Office and to the mail man and was getting bombarded on the phone with over due bill notices. But she never thought to ask me and I was very happy with the knowledge that I was bringing joy into my "Moms" life.
     Still another two weeks and cut off notices were being delivered over the phone by the utility companies. I on the other hand had lots of mail and was still burying at different points around the house. I guess it was the process of elimination or a neighbor finally tipped her off but she came to the realization that it was me. So she decided to watch one day and see what was happening to the mail. As so many days before I dutifully trotted out to the mailbox and grabbed the mail and went to my latest burying point. Now as we age we learn things and at four I was not going to talk fast enough to escape the butt whooping that was coming to me. I was confused because I was only doing what I did because she said she didn't want anymore bills.
     However it was more than that even at four I had enough love for her that I would do anything out of that love I had. If she had asked me water ski in the Mojave desert. I might have died in the effort but it didn't matter nothing mattered except for the love and trust I had in her. I would have done anything she asked because my love for her was so deep I could not possibly have done anything else. This is what I think gets looked over when Jesus said "unless you believe as one of these you cannot enter The Kingdom of Heaven. We have to love God so much that nothing else matters NOTHING! I believe this is what Jesus wanted to convey to his disciples and to us today. So if you have not told God his son Jesus The Holy Spirit and Our Mother in Heaven Mary that you loved them today do so now. I am sure they are wanting to hear from you and are wanting you to say how much you love them. The faith of a child comes from total love and trust and a willingness to do anything out of these deep feelings. Perhaps it is sad we grow up and far too often forget what that kind of love really feels like. It is a love that can bring you to tears. It is a love that never forgets, and Grandma I know you are looking down upon me and seeing this. I can say finally I am home now and back with the one true Church. And I will never forget all you have given me and how much I loved you and Grandpa Edwards. I pray that as you read this you will understand how deep my feelings run for both of you and I look forward to the day we will see each other again. As you know my Dads terminal with cancer so pray for him that he will be lifted up to heaven to spend eternity with you. With love to all my Brethren God Bless You and remember to tell those who are important to you that you love them. You never know what tomorrow brings.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The unexpected joy!

I found, as with every Sunday myself in Church. Here where I live it was a normal Summer day, sunny clear and temps expected to hit 100 for the fifth day in a row. I and my wife and our kids arrived about 20 minutes before the Mass so we could pray and prepare ourselves for Mass on this day of Pentecost. I was there sitting with my family when a phrase came out of my lips in what must have been a Spirit filled moment. I slowly exhaled and said just loud enough to be heard by my wife " I love being here".
     Now to most they will say "So what I love it in Church too because I love God". However I did not say I loved being at Church. I said I love being here. What's the difference? Allot. Being here was the key code. I was not saying I liked being in the building, instead I said here in the Mass in the very presence of God. I felt peace and happiness and contentment. I was in that very moment in close association with the Holy Ghost.
     You see my biggest fault is I am never sure I am doing much or for that matter anything that Jesus would consider of value to the Church.  At times in my life I get a lack of faith issue going and therefore think I need to "swing for the bleachers" in my service to the Body of Christ. I am hopeful that some of you will pray for me to defeat this sin of doubt and pride. You see I forgot as many of us sometimes do, that what we accomplish and  anything else for that matter is by the permission of God as the Bible clearly states "we can do nothing without God". St. Therese (little flower) knew this and went about doing her service in the little things. A simple action of giving a passing person a cool drink of water or looking to a waitress or store clerk and saying "God bless you" and meaning it. Sometimes I think this term is just used as a type of slogan we say at Mass and after. Yet with such a small parting word can have life changing events. The person sees your joy and wonders what you have that he does not. Soon he is at Church convinced that the joy he saw is what he wants also.
     People like St. Therese and St. Padre Pio (my chosen Saint for Confirmation) show us that we all don't have to be "Babe Ruth's of the Catholic world to make a difference". We need to accept what we are given by The Holy Ghost and work with it. Perhaps we need only to look the Parable of the man who was hiring workers and paid those who worked 12 hours they same that worked two hours. Some will have been there from birth and may achieve great works in the Body of Christ. While others will come later and do very minor works for the Body of Christ and still receive the same blessings. In other words as long as you do something with what you are given you are still doing the work of Christ and his Church. Your just not going to be on the "All Star Team". This does not mean you will never make the team because as you grow closer to Christ you are given more and more graces and blessing from God.
     Now this may seem to be allot to put into a momentary and non-thinking act of saying "I love it here". But I think that many of you will realize that sometimes what we learn from a single moment in the presence of the Holy Ghost can be a life lesson that can change not the world, but one life at a time. Until next time my Brethren remember to keep in mind the smallest service, for it is in these moments of our service. We can lay the foundation for others to build on.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The world and the Church

     It is often said that we are not of this world that we as Catholics are set upon worship and service to others as well as taking our place in the body of Christ. No more factual statement  has been made. However I will argue that while this is true we must exist as people of this world to fulfill what Jesus wished for us to do. We are to bring the Church to those who do not know what the real church is. The real Church is of course The Holy Roman Catholic Church. Now if this offends you because you are not a part of the church don't let this statement do so. The Catholic church does not subscribe to the view that if you are not Catholic your going to Hell. It dose however state you cannot know the true fullness of Christ if you are not part of the Catholic church.
     By reading the Gospels and Acts we are given a road map of what Christ wants from us. Simply we should live as he did. Easier said than done by a long shot, however as we get to know Christ better we receive more and more graces from God to learn more. By this I mean, if you attend Mass you without question will run into the couple. They are always in Mass and serve the Church and have such joy in their hearts that just by being near them you feel joyous also. They are not arrogant nor judgemental they are loving friendly and without question somebody we want to be. Sound familiar? These are the people that get it. They overflow with grace and joy because they have found completeness in Christ.
     Now in my time I have wandered between a few different Churches, I won't mention their names but they were Christian Churches also. In this time though I would find there was also something missing. There was not the joy you see in the Catholic Church but instead it is replaced by smoke and mirrors. To often you found that the people who were looked upon as people to imitate were judgemental and opinionated to such a severe level that if you were not a member at birth you could never seek to sit on that high of a ivory tower. I do not say this to be harsh or mean spirited. There are several people on the lowest rungs of these churches who are very faithful and loving people who by the very nature of their church are taught feelings matter not getting closer to God. I cannot sometimes hold my temper when a man or woman comes up to me and says " I went to church last week and got saved  and now I am guaranteed heaven". I will often tell them that is a good first step accepting God. All to often I hear "First step? no you don't understand this is all I need to do".
They never go back to church living their lives as they always have and die facing judgement on a lie. Meanwhile their Pastors are driving expensive spots cars and jetting all over the world spreading their version of what a Christian is.
     At this point I must tell a quick story. I attended at one time a super church somewhere in Texas. They had the lights flashing the singing and put on shows and everything you could imagine. The Pastor of the Church was widely recognized and was very popular not only in his church but in the many churches he visited around the world. He was a very aggressive towards the Catholic church talking of guilt and lies and how he was raised Catholic and somebody owed him a apology. I was never at ease when he went on these tirades and often wondered how a man that preaches love could hate as much as he did. Well I left that Church and returned to the Catholic Church and found my found my place there. I immediately knew in my heart that my search was over. I needed no lights, no loud music, and no smoke to tell me why I was there. I had been away for many years and was never confirmed so i and my family entered into the RCIA program of catechism as appropriate. Now I should note this move was not sudden I began to study and reached this decision based on research and prayer. I forced nobody in my home to join with me. I asked my wife and each child what they wanted to do. Our first Mass was filled with the joy as a homecoming often is. I received the Sacrament of Confirmation and began to try to find my place in the body of Christ. I wanted to be where other Catholics were because it was where my heart now was. I joined The Knights of Columbus both because I saw my duty to the Church but also the service to the community. I was accepted and am now a Third Degree Knight and will Enter the Fourth Degree later this month. I had skipped some Fourth Degree ceremonies to remain a third degree Knight because I did not at that time consider myself worthy of that honor. However no matter where you went you always heard about a certain Knight that was talked about with such awe and admiration that it was stunning. He was among the charter members of our Council and was deeply respected for both his works within the Knights as well as the Church he was a man of exceptional faith and I am sadly left having never knew him in person.
     He passed not long ago but by then I had learned much more about him. He had four sons and a very loving wife. Three of his sons were well respected members of the Catholic faith. His fourth son was the very same preacher of the church I left. This threw me for a loop as he was dripping with hatred for the Catholic faith. At his funeral Mass the fullness of his life was evident. The church was almost packed and he received a tribute by the Knights as befitting a fourth degree Knight. As I looked around it was apparent his son from the other church was not attending. Instead seated somewhere near the back of the church was his wife. It was sad to see her almost sneer at everybody there. The Mass ended and she left having never said anything to the family. It was heartbreaking to see a family in such division. I shall remember that lesson until the day I die.
     I have relatives still attending that Church convinced I am going to Hell in a hand basket. Maybe perhaps because of my many sins they may be right. I have attempted to reach out to them but blindness is all to difficult to cure. If Churches from all Christian faiths preach the Jesus forgives and loves everybody and wishes no on to suffer Hell. Why do they hate us? The persecution of the Catholic Church is alive and well in today's world. So who should we look for as a example to us all how to live for Christ but exist in the present world. I only need to go to Saint Francis. He lived in a time of peril bringing many to Christ while strictly sticking to what Jesus taught. He broke no civil laws but was there to share the glory of God to many. This I believe is the finest example for us all we are here to save others not to serve ourselves. We need to both Liberal Catholics as well as Traditional Catholics come together and get on with God's work and not try to change our church to suit our beliefs.
     It takes a little of the past and a little of the now and a little of the future for a church to know it's own destiny. We as Catholics know our destiny but want to play tug a war as to what the Church is like. Yes even today there is division but there is a way to stop this division. Accept the Church for what she is and don't worry about the turns of the Church. God declares that Satan will not overcome the Church so it is our job to remain silent on the differences and approach our God as a member of the body of his church. No self interest but always focused on what our job here is on Earth, to love and bring others to the real Church.
     Now I know some are saying "hey wait a second earlier you wrote on veiling women and no meat on Friday etc... these are rules that many believe gone but are not. I do not attack those who don't wear veils nor anybody else, however just pointing out facts is not a act of judgement nor censure. We can become a great body of service as the parts of the body of Christ today and in the future. So let it be our sacred duty to serve Christ and do what he wishes for us. A new rising of faith is needed in this country and the Church nor Jesus will always be here. For at a point we will be with God in heaven and Earth minus God can't survive. It is my most serious prayer that this nation as well as the rest of the world come to realize we are all one nation (in the body of Christ) and as one nation we are under God. I believe we could not aspire to any higher level.
Until next time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

refocusing your vision and changing the world!

Many may not know it but in Tennessee (where I lived for 6 years) it is a law that you must pull over for a funeral and exit your vehicle. You can choose to place your right hand over your heart at your discretion. This is done to not only show respect for the dead but respect as well for his life. It is fact that when we die our soul leaves the body going either to Heaven, Hell or Purgatory until the final judgement day that we all stand before Christ for our final judgement. So both through our faith as well as what we see in the world what passes by is just a empty shell on its way to burial. Therefore the thought of what passes us is very fleeting and not memorable.
     I however (not in opposition to the Churches teachings) wish we would see much more at this time. The value of a life is priceless. Jesus knew this when he went to the cross for us, and gave his life so that we may have eternal life. Every life is precious and although we may not know them it is important to take note of all the possibilities that pass you by in that hearse. Was she a teacher, Mother or Sister? Then how many lives did she impact. How many did she set on a path that led them to Jesus or gave them the gift of reading so later they read about Jesus. As a Mother what gifts of wisdom and life stories did she pass on to others as well as her own children and how many time was she there for her family and others when they were in need.
     Or was he a Father and a provider to his family. Did he lead them in their faith and accounted himself a good steward over all God had blessed him with. Did he teach his boys to be men of God not men of the world. Did he out of manners hold a door open for someone and in that one act of kindness change that day or even the life of those individuals.
    Or finally was it a child who was called home by her Heavenly Father in some eyes much to early. Did she bring joy to her parents and Grandparents with her radiant smile. Did she bring laughter to those around her while she showed the purest love possible apart from God, the love of a child.
     It is these things I think about when a funeral passes me by. Because no matter what amount of time they had spent on this earth they all gave something and made a difference in somebodies lives. We sometimes never know what God had placed them on this earth to do but you can bet it was a act of kindness or love if only for a moment.
     Every life will make a difference in another life for the good. Yes I said everybodys life to include a mass murderer for he was not always such. This is what God wants us to see in each other as a Brother of Christ and Child of God. He wants us to see the beauty of every individual and their works that they have done that were beautiful also to another. He does not see color,race,religion or any other thing we have used to discriminate in the history of man. For we are all his children and wishes for them to come to him and know him. It is this simple little effort if made by each one of us would change the face of the Earth through our Evangelizing. God loves you and says you can become his child, he sees the good and the bad in you but is very willing through his love for you to forgive the bad. He sees you as a beautiful child of God a child he gave his own Son for a child who longs for to come to him.
     And if we as Catholics can see them as God sees them our love for them could bring many back to God. I believe weather you bring one or four million to God and to his Church you have saved a life for all eternity and what can be more beautiful than that?
Until later God Bless all who read this.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Rat race for Catholics and how to get off the track.

     In this age of rushing and rushing and everything from computers to Television responding to our commands at lighting speeds we need to realize what effect this may be having on our ability to live our lives following Catholic principles. We have all seen it the rush of people rushing out of Mass right after Communion, or those who are in such a hurry to get out of the parking lot that they endanger themselves as well as others. And Lord help you if you are in front of them as when they get past you there is a 50/50 chance you will get the :"one finger salute".
     It seems we have grown not only to accept this fast paced lifestyle but to accept it as well. We get up out of bed and our coffee is ready as we have a timer that brews it to be nice and fresh when we are ready for it. We turn on the news and every tragedy recorded hits our ears as it is happening due to satellites. We get on  the highway to work and we are so tuned to getting everything fast we get annoyed if there is a traffic tie up. We often work with computers that can respond well before we ever could and always are looking over our shoulder and hoping that automation does not make our job obsolete.
     We go to a fast food place where we are treated like a non-entity if we eat in and if we choose the drive through we have our food in 3 minutes or less. We return to work as before until it is time to go home. On the way home we are again upset if there is a traffic tie up and now on top of that we have the days events saddled on to you also. You get home dinner is fixed in a jiffy due to instant this or microwave that. As you are still crushed under the day and tossing into the mix the boss really took a chunk out of your bottom. It is possible that your fist words to them may well be "later I am tired". Then as you grumble during dinner you sit down to watch more TV and then you wife wants to talk and you actually consider it a violation on your enjoyment time. This could lead to ignoring or to a snappish attitude. And the night is topped off with a argument with your wife.
     All to often being Catholic or not this is what we face each and every day of our lives. We move through the day at such a fast pace we are over come by the world around us and we become more and more upset by this every day. Welcome to one of the most effective ways Satan has to defeat or make you ineffective in your faith. Now we know that prayer defeats this stragedy and is effective to bring our eyes back upon God. Then our prayer life weakens and wham we are right back where we started. My Brothers and Sisters in Christ there is never an issue with asking God's help in making prayer a daily part of your life. Remember anything we do from breathing to standing up is a God given action. We can do nothing without him.
     The problem is that we often don't notice this pattern until it is too late and we have fallen into the trap. However more often than not we are saying I will fix this tomorrow and saying the same thing every day.
     The word I is in all actuality a more serious issue than falling into the trap. We say to others at Church etc... "I trust in God" it is even printed on our coins In God we trust. However we cannot just say it we need to live it. The cure is pretty easy stop using the word I and stop pulling back problems in our lives from God saying I can fix this out of pride. Because as stated earlier the Bible states "you can do nothing apart from God". So for the next few days forget the word that I exists and use we. Before you know it it becomes a habit as you begin to realize just how much God loves you and is involved with your life. Your Prayer life will bounce back as a action of love and not duty and as you draw nearer to God the more blessed you shall become. Until the next posting God Bless you all.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bible trivia test

Hey all,
This is just a quick test on Catholic Traditions and weather or not they are still in effect. So take a crack at it I hope you will find this useful.

1) Does the Catholic Church still require veiling by women?

Ans: Yes as stated in First Corinthians Chap 11 verses 3-10. A women who comes to worship without a covering on her head disgraces herself.
Where did we get the idea it was no longer in effect?
During the final stages of VatII a Cardinal of the Church was approached by a group of reporters and one of the reporters asked "Will the use of veiling be done away with?". The Cardinal stated clearly that this subject was not being addressed at this time. The reporter reported instead to Time magazine among others. That the tradition had been done away with. Sadly many Catholic took it as fact and stopped veiling themselves despite what the real facts were.

2) Should you applaud in Church during a service for the choir or band that is playing?
Ans: No it is considered by most apologist web sites as improper as that the Mass is a very somber occasion as we enter the very presence of God. It is further pointed out in most RCIA classes to not applaud if you wish to show appreciation for the choir or band go to them personally and thank them.

3) Is it proper to profoundly bow as the Priest processes in and out at Mass?
Ans: Yes it is a show of respect for the Representative of God within the Church. After a profound bow is done as the Priest exits the Mass it is also considered appropriate to pray for the Priest.
Once again this is more of a Apologist action and yes in these web sites bowing to a priest upon entry to mass as well as leaving is considered a sign of respect.

4) After receiving the Eucharist and returning to your pew when is it proper to kneel and pray?
Ans: According to the writings on actions to be performed during Mass a individual should wait until ALL have received the Eucharist then kneel and pray. The band should play a quiet instrumental piece during this time to allow for prayer.

5) When is the proper time to exit the Mass?
Ans: After the Priest processes out and the band or choir has completed their exit song.

6) When the Priest raises his hands palms up either to waist or shoulder height and says "The peace of the Lord be with you" what is the proper response?
Ans: And also with you is the proper verbal response there is NO physical movement to include raising your hands palms up in response. This action is solely for the Priest and the Priest only.

7) Is it proper to kiss a Priests hand as a sign of respect and dedication?
Ans: Yes.....Although some Priests are uncomfortable with this action and may pull his hand away. If he does respect his wishes.

8) When taking Communion and the Priest or Lay Person says "The Body of Christ" what is the reply?
Ans: Most (including myself )  Were taught to respond with the word "Amen" however this is incorrect according to the outline of the Mass we are to say nothing. We should take our Communion Host and cross ourselves and return to our seats in a somber manner reflecting on being in the very presence of Christ. We should Never chew the host instead allow it to soften and then swallow it.

9) Who can perform a Baptism?
Ans: According to Catholic rites and The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Anybody may perform a Baptism provided it is done as outlined.

10) During the Our Father prayer is it required to hold hands?
Ans: No this is due to the fact that some Catholics prefer when the "And forgive us our trespasses" there are those who still believe in the striking of the breast three time to show true repentance.

Well how did you do? If you are like me a year ago I would have failed the test with a capital F! However I would pass it today. There are many beliefs that form outside the Catholic Faith and find their way into the customs of the Church. To name a few there are what is called Ccharismatic Catholics (and not meaning to offend anybody but) this is a practice that is NOT recognized by the Church and never will be. The second is an Catholic Apologetic. These people are not likely to be on top of any popularity lists at the Church but are easily spotted. The girls and women in the family will be veiled covering their heads. They will enter and exit quietly. And lastly they will not applaud. I make no distinction as to what is right. And being one or the other does NOT make you a better Catholic than everybody else. I look at myself and see no worth and therefore I consider myself to be among the worst Catholic in my Church. In other words I prefer to serve not lead. A Evangelical Catholic is one who is mixing the Catholic faith and the Pentecostal faith and in the view of the church this is a unapproved concept within the Church. A Apologetic believes in the old traditions of the Church and keeping the traditions that somehow got lost in the mix. All the above questions were pulled from Apologetic web sites and all of these answers are not only true but should have been followed all along. If you want to learn more about your faith and your Church and what should and should not be done I highly recommend This site is vast and provides a great deal of information on the Church the Church Fathers as well as the early writings of the Church Fathers. So look into it it has a section for new Catholics, Old Catholics, and considering Catholics. Read all three of the links and see what each says it might just surprise you as it did me.


God let us not take away or add anything that takes away from your Church.
Show us our divinely guided Mass and teach us to follow your will for our actions during Mass.
Let us not react to what we discover with neither Pride or Anger but let us say as your Son
Jesus Christ said "Let it be by your will Father not mine". We ask for a blessing upon God the Father his Son Jesus Christ and our Mother Mary as well as upon all the angels and Saints
Continue to protect your Church from heresies and misguided Clergy or Parishioners.
We pray for the intentions of Benedict our Pope on all the clergy and upon our Brothers and Sisters in Christ around the world.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hey isn't something missing here?

The Catholic faith is a faith of all or none. You either accept the infallibility of the church and it's doctrines of you do not. If you do and you are like me you may have a feeling in some of our churches that something is missing. I you do not accept ALL the teachings of the church you are fooling yourself you are not a well grounded Catholic. That is not mentioned to offend anybody but to point out the church's viewpoint it is open and shut and until a different teaching is given through a council etc...that is the way it is. The upcoming missal changes next November is a step back (be it a small one) back to some of the earlier church traditions. The Latin Mass has more flexibility to be given and a return back to some parts of the Mass that had been considered obsolete is returning. But will it bring back some things that have been quietly under the rug.

     I mean by this the divisions within the church as well as a return to the truths of the Bible. Let us face it when did you last hear about Purgatory or even Hell. These both are real places that some of us will face. The mercy of God is not a cure all you have got to do your part. Helping the poor,helping the sick and evangelizing are all areas that we through the power of the Holy Ghost. Remember you could not take your next breath unless God said it was to be. Everything we do,achieve or work at is done through the will of God and you have nothing to do with it. So the word "I" should never be used because there is nothing you can do without Christ.

Yet to hear this is so very rare just like Hell,Purgatory or even Scripture. Most Priests today during their messages play it safe so not to offend anybody. Jesus and his disciples were anything but politically correct individuals. Can you imagine today a Priest after his reading of the Gospel to start with "You brood of snakes and vipers inside you are dead". The older ladies would faint and the younger woman would cover their children's ears and the men would form a lynching mob. Yet these words are some of the same to point out those who were living a lie. The love of self was in them but they had NOT the love of God within them. So I would like at this time to pose a question. Do you have the love of God within you or are you just playing a part? Some would say yes because I feel it others would just stare and yet others would become irate at such a question.

As a church it is our duty to preach the word and instruct others in the faith not serve up some puff piece on what happened while he was in the seminary or how he met a gang in a gang infested area that rapped all day about Jesus. We have to tell the truth and instruct not tell cute stories. We must address sin and the dangers of Hell and even the redemption of Purgatory. We are fighting for our very souls and the church needs to be a ally in this fight and not stand on the sidelines. The church must instruct so that we eat,breathe and live the Catholic faith not show up one Sunday for a social hour. I do not mean to take our Priests to task nor do I point fingers at anybody but the Church must tell it like it is be it good or bad, weather we squirm in our seats or even walk out. We can afford to lose a few for the good of the church and we can minister to them so that their pride and ego can be pointed out to them and give them a chance to ask forgiveness and confess these faults. We all have faults just some of us hide theirs better that others. For instance my greatest fault is a feeling of lack of  self worth to even serve God. I have the issue of the inability to see me as God sees me. Therefore I tend to be insecure in my abilities of being a effective servant of my God no matter how much I want to be. To serve God here on Earth is a privilege I view myself unworthy of.

I do pray we as a Church go back and remember the Scriptures and what they say as well as how to overcome a sin in your life that may be bringing a Brother or a Sister close to the pit of the darkness of sin. Their is no "itty bitty" sin that God overlooks no matter how cute we think the sin is. Sin is sin and all sin remove us from the presence of God. I pray my Brothers and Sisters that nobody ever hears the words "Begone for I never knew thee" on Judgement day. Political Correctness has been the rage since the the 1970's. It is time to pull the plug be honest and show us all the real truth about walking the path of Jesus and carrying your cross really means. Please remember your Rosary and pray for the consecration of Russia to the blessed moth as well as for the intentions of the Pope Benedict XVI. Until next posting God bless you and keep you.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The wonders of miracles both large and small.

The idea of miracles is no stranger to the Catholic faith. We have read and heard of miracles associated with Fatima,Lourdes as well as Christ and Padre Pio just to mention a few. There are some miracles we see everyday the change of the seasons, the rising of the sun and the birth of a new life. But there are others we may overlook.
    If anybody asks me if I believe in Miracles I would answer with a resounding yes! I have lived through a time that I was in the deepest sin (up to and including murder) but although I never got a chance to carry out my plans I was a wreck both mentally and Physically. I was seeking a way out of all this mess while going through treatments for depression,anxiety as well as PTSD. These conditions were from different areas the first being a old injury from prior military service. The second was due to my job. While I won't go into details I was at the point of suicide.
     One day I kept being bothered by a thought from a catechism class some 38 years prior. The thought was over and over coming to me "Thou shalt not kill". Now I resisted this thought at first because I wanted those who did me harm gone I was full of hate and rage. The thought kept coming stronger until I had no choice but to say "ok so I will not kill them. I still hated but their lives were safe and they continue to be although I have yet to see one of them, this will be the true test.
     So I had agreed not to kill (although) the temptation was still there. Then one day talking to my counsellor she asked " How are you getting along?" Almost without thinking I told her I had to go home. She inquired as to why I had to go home but I explained it was not a physical place. I just had a voice telling me over and over to go home. Yet I knew the first time I heard go home what was meant. I was being told to go back to the Catholic faith and step on it!
     So I went to a local Catholic Church (St, Raphael's) and inquired as to how to rejoin the faith. I had never been confirmed so I entered the RCIA class and began the climb back. It did not take as long as I thought it would but through my time of this class I learned to forgive them as well as not to hate them but to pray for them. These were large steps for me. But being home made all the difference!
     Now here I am a die hard re found Catholic and feel blessed beyond measure to be so.

The second example of a miracle in my life will seem to be just coincidence. However I have learned there are no coincidences. I was 27 in Berlin Germany with my wife when we both climbed up on a overlook that gave us the ability to see over into East Germany. Seeing the death strip and the sniper position on the Brandenburg gate was the saddest thing I had ever seen. My wife and I prayed that before we left Berlin we would see the Berlin Wall come down. We prayed this in Aug of 1988 needless to see our prayers were answered in just over two years. I was so over come I openly and unashamedly cried openly before millions at the wall that day as we were witnesses to history. There is still one more miracle I must speak of before I leave this time of my life.
     In June of  1999 I got the news most dread. My Grandmother was dying. Dying too was the only Mother I knew as my biological Mother dropped me on my Grandmothers doorstep when I was 11/2. I knew her as Mom and she was the one who raised me for over seven years of my life. I thought her immortal because as a Young man we don;t often think about death. I arrived back in the states in June and was assigned by family to watch my Grandmother as she was bed ridden and needed help with bed pans etc... I was with her for about 3 weeks when she was transferred to a hospice. Some 10 days later she died of  bone cancer. I actually was glad to see pass as it ended her pain and suffering. During her pre-burial Mass my mind went many places back to my childhood with her and covered everything from hot homemade biscuits to kool-aide freezer pops amongst many other things. I quietly to myself ask "God just give me a sign she is ok. Just one sign". as we exited the church I was walking towards our car when I looked back to see where my Father was. And my jaw hit the ground! There as I looked back at the church a rainbow had made half halo around the church it started on one side of the church and went up and came down on the other side of the church. It was not a big rainbow but appeared to just hug the church as if it was made to fit the church. I accepted on faith that this was God's way of saying "Lee she's with me and everything is ok and she is fine".

The final miracle was very recent but perhaps the most stunning of all. My church was blessed to be visited by the Travelling Statue of Our Lady of  Fatima. The statue was perhaps the most beautiful I have ever seen. After the mass the statue was left for a time of adoration and prayer. I can say this these attendants to this statue are dedicated to their job. When it came my turn I knelt before the statue and prayed a simple prayer of thanks for the many intercessions she had made for me and the blessings in my wife. The attendant took my cane I use to walk with and touched it to the statue, I went home that day feeling peaceful. However our situation was anything but peaceful 3 months behind on the house and no milk or bread to feed our kids with our meals for the next 13 days looked like they were going to be beans as we had allot of those. Now I know you can say "there are others far worse off in the world and still today I cannot tell you why what happened. We had our beans and were basically figuring what to do when we lost our home. We had been on disability pay but they had cut off my wife's some months earlier. It looked hopeless. I was awaken by a ear shattering scream from my wife. For deposited in our account was some 15,000 dollars and back pay to my wife that we had no Idea was coming.
     We immediately thanked God for this blessing and were in such a state of relief that we didn't know what to do first. I told my wife of my prayer to The Lady of Fatima and she agreed that it must have been a answer to a unasked question. It is really neat that God knows what we need even if we don't ask. Later that day as to confirm our conclusions my shipment of CD Lighthouse Cd's came in. which is a great service to me as monthly I get a cd from everybody from FR. Jason Brooks to DR. Scott Hahn. The cd title for this month on the same day we discovered this deposit that saved our home and so much more was Fatima: Living the Message.

For those who believe there is no explanation necessary
For those who do not no explanation will be believed.

So I close this rather long post with a blessing to all my Catholic Brothers and Sisters and pray that you too can see the little miracles as well as the large ones.

Taking a day off to celebrate the birth of a Grand Daughter!

Praise be to God and glory to him for the miracles he does both those we see and those we do not!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Do you want your Mass said in church or a cafeteria?

The title of this post may be shocking and considered by some even sacrilegious. However I contend that is exactly some (I say most) Catholics picture of their faith. in the western world! The Catholic faith is a all in one package. you don't take away from it not do you add to it. In the posts starting in the next day or so I will be talking allot about the Mass and our actions before,during and after. Most Priests would not dare bring up controversial issues for fear that they would lose people out of the Church. So today's faith is sort of a live and let live policy. God however never intended for this to be a fact. He denounced the Pharisee as well as the Sanhedrin for not living their faith and making it into a pill they could swallow. Sadly for many of that time it was a pill of damnation. Many people today view and treat their religion like a cafeteria line. "hmmm lets see veiling,nope don't want any of that yuck! okaaay oh look there Charismatic belief certainly give me a doublee portion of that. Now lets see Fish on Fridays ??!!! well okay maybe a little bit but only during Lent. Eucharistic adoration nah trying to cut calories. Missing Mass?? is football season so give me some of that oh and the same goes for NASCAR season!" We pick and choose what we will and won't believe in our own faith or we are not dedicated to get the real scoop on this. Christ created his Church as well as his covenant with us from the ground up. He never said "Go ahead pick and choose what you will we will add up the points and if you believe enough you will get a front row seat in Heaven. No wonder we lose so many of our faith to churches like the Pentecostal faith offers, or they just stay home because they are disgusted with the whole thing. By not telling the truth in our Masses and being honest enough to lay it all out there indirectly many are brought to Mortal Sin by our hands and when I say our hands I mean the Church as a whole. Allot of this begins in RCIA and is reinforced by Priest who will not be open and honest with their flock. I will not say that this is going on in all churches for this we may all be thankful. But it is a poison that Satan is spreading amongst us and we need to see it and fight it. This is difficult because many do not want to leave the comfort zone they created. So my Brothers and Sisters it is time to step out of line and accept our faith for what it is. We either take the whole thing by faith or none of it. It is time for our Church to take a stand and become the moral backbone it once was. I pray that God in his endless wisdom and mercy will point us to where we need to be as a Church.