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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Let's pray for the 163 million

     Lets look at a number, 163 million. Now that's a big number but what does it represent. The answer is simple no it's not the number of stars in the sky, nor is it the newest lottery prize. It's not even the number of years before the Colorado Rockies will need to win a World Series (that number can't be calculated)  So what is this very large number?
     Last year alone 163 million female fetuses were aborted because the couple preferred a male child. We should be thankful as a entire world that God is a God of mercy and not of wrath. At the moment of conception there is life despite the pro-abortion claims that actual life comes later. This is not a isolated incident but is repeated year after year as our world turns blacker and blacker with the stain of sin.
     Yet so few take up the sword to fight this battle in favor of the defenseless child in the womb who is murdered just because she is the wrong sex for the couple. I cannot think of a more selfish act than to murder over the sex of a child, Even worse is the apathy of such a matter in the rest of the world. In our country the fact that we fund abortions all over the world is barely seen as news. We support candidates who support abortion and think nothing of it. We allow our tax money to be spent to support agencies that kill fetuses at will.
     Therefore we are taking part in the murder of 163 million souls a year and remember this is just females. As a Church body we have the ability to elect a President if we as a Church vote in a single block. What happens all to often we vote for self rather than in accordance to Gods will. We vote with our hands out saying what can you give me instead of holding  our candidates responsible for their promises. All to often candidates treat the abortion issue with sort of a fleeting fancy. While campaigning they stomp and snort how they will do away with abortion. After they are in office this subject goes straight to the bottom of the to do list. So what can we do to make a difference?
     First get involved! Fight the battles by taking an active roll. Prayer is essential as this is our greatest weapon against the evils of murder. Take part in the 40 day and 40 night prayer vigils and pray the rosary daily. Take part of the prayer vigils in front of the clinics who perform these murders . And finally vote and write your Representatives both at the state level as well as the national level. Stop funding murder and start supporting life. There is no reason for anyone in this nation to be hungry and homeless. We can apply more monies to support nations that are in famine or at war and bring peace to their land and then invest in giving these people a future. We will never get rid of all hunger in the world, but if we teach self dependence and stay until it is working we will make a difference. There are nations today that have thousands a year die of starvation. It should not matter as to if they are friend or foe. Hunger is hunger and this is the real enemy. Then we need to follow up and demand the food go to the people not the pockets of a leader who makes himself rich by abusing our kindness. Lastly (I know this sounds bad) we should demand that the UN stop all funding and performance of abortions or remove this organization and send it to Geneva and stop our contributions until this requirement is met. This move will not make real popular but it will save lives. I would be willing to trade world respect by the bucket to save just one of  these souls.
     In McAllen Texas recently a pro life group went to look at a dumpster behind the clinic. What they found was horrific fetus body parts in the dumpster, medical waste to include vials of blood, and bits of flesh torn apart during the abortion process. It needs to stop not later but now. A child is not a matter of convenience it is a duty placed into our hands by God. When shall we as a nation remember we are one nation under God. That this is not just a slogan but a statement of fact regarding our nation. Our forefathers believed it and now more than ever we need to return to it. God Bless You

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