Hey all,
This is just a quick test on Catholic Traditions and weather or not they are still in effect. So take a crack at it I hope you will find this useful.
1) Does the Catholic Church still require veiling by women?
Ans: Yes as stated in First Corinthians Chap 11 verses 3-10. A women who comes to worship without a covering on her head disgraces herself.
Where did we get the idea it was no longer in effect?
During the final stages of VatII a Cardinal of the Church was approached by a group of reporters and one of the reporters asked "Will the use of veiling be done away with?". The Cardinal stated clearly that this subject was not being addressed at this time. The reporter reported instead to Time magazine among others. That the tradition had been done away with. Sadly many Catholic took it as fact and stopped veiling themselves despite what the real facts were.
2) Should you applaud in Church during a service for the choir or band that is playing?
Ans: No it is considered by most apologist web sites as improper as that the Mass is a very somber occasion as we enter the very presence of God. It is further pointed out in most RCIA classes to not applaud if you wish to show appreciation for the choir or band go to them personally and thank them.
3) Is it proper to profoundly bow as the Priest processes in and out at Mass?
Ans: Yes it is a show of respect for the Representative of God within the Church. After a profound bow is done as the Priest exits the Mass it is also considered appropriate to pray for the Priest.
Once again this is more of a Apologist action and yes in these web sites bowing to a priest upon entry to mass as well as leaving is considered a sign of respect.
4) After receiving the Eucharist and returning to your pew when is it proper to kneel and pray?
Ans: According to the writings on actions to be performed during Mass a individual should wait until ALL have received the Eucharist then kneel and pray. The band should play a quiet instrumental piece during this time to allow for prayer.
5) When is the proper time to exit the Mass?
Ans: After the Priest processes out and the band or choir has completed their exit song.
6) When the Priest raises his hands palms up either to waist or shoulder height and says "The peace of the Lord be with you" what is the proper response?
Ans: And also with you is the proper verbal response there is NO physical movement to include raising your hands palms up in response. This action is solely for the Priest and the Priest only.
7) Is it proper to kiss a Priests hand as a sign of respect and dedication?
Ans: Yes.....Although some Priests are uncomfortable with this action and may pull his hand away. If he does respect his wishes.
8) When taking Communion and the Priest or Lay Person says "The Body of Christ" what is the reply?
Ans: Most (including myself ) Were taught to respond with the word "Amen" however this is incorrect according to the outline of the Mass we are to say nothing. We should take our Communion Host and cross ourselves and return to our seats in a somber manner reflecting on being in the very presence of Christ. We should Never chew the host instead allow it to soften and then swallow it.
9) Who can perform a Baptism?
Ans: According to Catholic rites and The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Anybody may perform a Baptism provided it is done as outlined.
10) During the Our Father prayer is it required to hold hands?
Ans: No this is due to the fact that some Catholics prefer when the "And forgive us our trespasses" there are those who still believe in the striking of the breast three time to show true repentance.
Well how did you do? If you are like me a year ago I would have failed the test with a capital F! However I would pass it today. There are many beliefs that form outside the Catholic Faith and find their way into the customs of the Church. To name a few there are what is called Ccharismatic Catholics (and not meaning to offend anybody but) this is a practice that is NOT recognized by the Church and never will be. The second is an Catholic Apologetic. These people are not likely to be on top of any popularity lists at the Church but are easily spotted. The girls and women in the family will be veiled covering their heads. They will enter and exit quietly. And lastly they will not applaud. I make no distinction as to what is right. And being one or the other does NOT make you a better Catholic than everybody else. I look at myself and see no worth and therefore I consider myself to be among the worst Catholic in my Church. In other words I prefer to serve not lead. A Evangelical Catholic is one who is mixing the Catholic faith and the Pentecostal faith and in the view of the church this is a unapproved concept within the Church. A Apologetic believes in the old traditions of the Church and keeping the traditions that somehow got lost in the mix. All the above questions were pulled from Apologetic web sites and all of these answers are not only true but should have been followed all along. If you want to learn more about your faith and your Church and what should and should not be done I highly recommend www.Fisheaters.com This site is vast and provides a great deal of information on the Church the Church Fathers as well as the early writings of the Church Fathers. So look into it it has a section for new Catholics, Old Catholics, and considering Catholics. Read all three of the links and see what each says it might just surprise you as it did me.
God let us not take away or add anything that takes away from your Church.
Show us our divinely guided Mass and teach us to follow your will for our actions during Mass.
Let us not react to what we discover with neither Pride or Anger but let us say as your Son
Jesus Christ said "Let it be by your will Father not mine". We ask for a blessing upon God the Father his Son Jesus Christ and our Mother Mary as well as upon all the angels and Saints
Continue to protect your Church from heresies and misguided Clergy or Parishioners.
We pray for the intentions of Benedict our Pope on all the clergy and upon our Brothers and Sisters in Christ around the world.
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