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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Rat race for Catholics and how to get off the track.

     In this age of rushing and rushing and everything from computers to Television responding to our commands at lighting speeds we need to realize what effect this may be having on our ability to live our lives following Catholic principles. We have all seen it the rush of people rushing out of Mass right after Communion, or those who are in such a hurry to get out of the parking lot that they endanger themselves as well as others. And Lord help you if you are in front of them as when they get past you there is a 50/50 chance you will get the :"one finger salute".
     It seems we have grown not only to accept this fast paced lifestyle but to accept it as well. We get up out of bed and our coffee is ready as we have a timer that brews it to be nice and fresh when we are ready for it. We turn on the news and every tragedy recorded hits our ears as it is happening due to satellites. We get on  the highway to work and we are so tuned to getting everything fast we get annoyed if there is a traffic tie up. We often work with computers that can respond well before we ever could and always are looking over our shoulder and hoping that automation does not make our job obsolete.
     We go to a fast food place where we are treated like a non-entity if we eat in and if we choose the drive through we have our food in 3 minutes or less. We return to work as before until it is time to go home. On the way home we are again upset if there is a traffic tie up and now on top of that we have the days events saddled on to you also. You get home dinner is fixed in a jiffy due to instant this or microwave that. As you are still crushed under the day and tossing into the mix the boss really took a chunk out of your bottom. It is possible that your fist words to them may well be "later I am tired". Then as you grumble during dinner you sit down to watch more TV and then you wife wants to talk and you actually consider it a violation on your enjoyment time. This could lead to ignoring or to a snappish attitude. And the night is topped off with a argument with your wife.
     All to often being Catholic or not this is what we face each and every day of our lives. We move through the day at such a fast pace we are over come by the world around us and we become more and more upset by this every day. Welcome to one of the most effective ways Satan has to defeat or make you ineffective in your faith. Now we know that prayer defeats this stragedy and is effective to bring our eyes back upon God. Then our prayer life weakens and wham we are right back where we started. My Brothers and Sisters in Christ there is never an issue with asking God's help in making prayer a daily part of your life. Remember anything we do from breathing to standing up is a God given action. We can do nothing without him.
     The problem is that we often don't notice this pattern until it is too late and we have fallen into the trap. However more often than not we are saying I will fix this tomorrow and saying the same thing every day.
     The word I is in all actuality a more serious issue than falling into the trap. We say to others at Church etc... "I trust in God" it is even printed on our coins In God we trust. However we cannot just say it we need to live it. The cure is pretty easy stop using the word I and stop pulling back problems in our lives from God saying I can fix this out of pride. Because as stated earlier the Bible states "you can do nothing apart from God". So for the next few days forget the word that I exists and use we. Before you know it it becomes a habit as you begin to realize just how much God loves you and is involved with your life. Your Prayer life will bounce back as a action of love and not duty and as you draw nearer to God the more blessed you shall become. Until the next posting God Bless you all.

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