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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Houston Veterans Administration just the beginning?

I am sure many have heard the story by now, but if not the Veterans Administration in Houston has made it policy that using the word God,Jesus or even the phrase "may God bless you" is forbidden at funerals in their graveyards or any other function they are involved with. Why may you ask is the reason for such a action? The official word from the Houston VA is that they find the word God offensive.
     This made me mad enough to post on my blog during a vacation. God is offensive, to who? Atheists,Muslims,Buddhists or wiccans ? Big deal so don't use the word God at their funerals no harm no foul. To deny  these words is deny the individual freedoms of a United States Citizen and the start of a constitutional forbidden act of creation of a religion by our Government. I have served in the US military for many years, and in looking back on those years I learned two basic facts. First a love and respect for the fallen of our military. These people paid the ultimate price for our freedom and for our nation. To deny a soldier who believes in God is criminal. The second rule is how blessed this nation is I have been to both Japan and Berlin Germany. I have seen the wall fall and yet our freedoms in this nation are far more extensive than in their lands.
     So far we have chased God out of our schools and Government buildings (funny as that our laws are built on the ten commandments). We have banned nativity scenes on Federal property and have even challenged a cross that sits on a small piece of Federal land in Hawaii. We have fought to keep God in our Pledge of Allegiance as well as on our coins and as individuals on our cars,houses and bedrooms. This case will soon go to the Supreme Court and as much as I hope it fails the mere fact that such a case has to go to the Supreme Court is in a word "scary". Are we seeing the first steps of a time to come when the Catholic Church is outlawed in the land of the free?
     The time has come for us stand up and fight back, the fact that our church can if it were to vote in a block elect a president. Then why do we have pro-abortion presidents and senators or Congressmen?
We seem to say the right things during mass, but when we vote our Catholic faith does not penetrate to the voting booth. So now after years of Catholics voting against their own faith and ignoring God and our Canon Laws look where we are. We are sadly in a time when the words God and Jesus are forbidden at a Catholic burial for one of our Veterans. The very freedoms they fought for and protected are denied them because somebody yelled they were offended.Congratulations to the Catholics who do not vote their faith, what now?
     As the Body of Christ we no longer can wink and nod and then vote pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-atheist and lastly pro- getting rid of God in our society all together. How long will God continue his blessings on a nation that rejects him and allows it's unborn to die. Yes my brethren this is a first step buried in the newspapers it is doubtful any of the major networks will mention it. Thank God for Fox News they covered it but in very small detail. Now I know that  people read this and say to themselves "This guy is a nut and nobody can tell me what to do or how to vote. I agree (except for the nut thing) but I ask you to pray and listen to God before you vote. Then will you find what I am speaking of. We cannot go on keeping God at a distance we must as Catholics vote our beliefs and those of the Holy Catholic Church.
     I am not God so therefore I have no idea what he will do in regards to our nations rejection of him.  However in my opinion I must state that in my eyes if you vote for abortion you are responsible in part for the murder o0f countless babies in our abortion clinics during the year. Your vote, your responsibility. The issue of Church and State is meant to forbid Government from forcing a religion on it's people. Seems one again the Constitution is ignored. And a Government religion is being born, we call it Political Correctness and it has invaded all things. If one person is offended we can't do do that action and early results show our faith is one of the top three targets if not number one.
     Finally I would like to thank those who pray daily and say the rosary daily, you may be the only barriers between our country and disaster.

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