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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Where's the love??

Not more than three weeks ago the Dodgers and Giants played a three game series in Los Angelas. If it had been a normal event I would have said so what as when it comes to sports my interest rates are near the level 0f studying pond scum. What did get my attention is that it seems three Dodger fans jumped a Giants fan and almost killed him. His future progress is up to God at this point, Today during a preseason football game with San Francisco and the Oakland Raiders three were wound one fighting for his life right now after being seriously beaten in a bathroom. The second man was shot in the stomach 3 or 4 times as he drove his vehicle to a gate and collapsed trying to get help. The third was in serious condition.
     A new term has entered our vocabulary where "beat downs" has became a hot item on the list for young teens to do. These are usually race related and people are picked by their skin color and nothing else. It usually involves 5 kids beating one child within a inch of their lives, This has now become such a issue cities like Chicago,Newark.Philadelphia and Miami. Now there are some who will say "so what it is inner-city and the victims are white while the attackers are black. But shake this out of your head it does not matter who is beating up who what matters is that such a thing happens. This kind of hate seems to be ruling our nation and yet out of all the options we have hatred is our least desirable.
     Our Public School system is nearly devoid of any type of discipline. Our children run around in High School exposed to drugs,pre-marital sex, Teachers protected by a system of makes those who have tenure almost impossible to fire. Teachers that because of interference no longer cares about his and her job. Evolution and science are the classes of today as any mention of God or Jesus must not be used to avoid offending atheists or Muslims. Not to mention that now we need classes to help us realize that not are Muslims are bad, I believe a four year old student could figure out on his own. Our youngest children in public schools are given books like Bobby has two daddies and Mary has two Mommies. We do not allow Christ or God onto schools yet we acknowledge Kwanzaa, Black history month and Mexican America awareness month. In other words instead of teaching that we are all God's children.
     Our nation has never been so divided and frightened at the same time as people are loosing thousands in retirement funds and many wonder if their is going to anything left for those who are retiring. Politicians are withholding funds to make the Government the expense of the peoples interests rather than helping them. Every political party wants to make a statement as to how their plan to fix the economy is better than the other guys. Meanwhile people who can least afford higher costs are faced with food rates up 26% higher than last year and fuel that has hovered from 3.25 to 5.00 per gallon. This means making a job search almost impossible. The math is simple if you are trying to hang on to your house and car and feed your family very little is left for Gas.
     People are pulling their kids out of public school system by the drove full and more and more people has lost all faith in anything Government or even each other. We are suspicious and mistrusting of anybody who comes into our area. On top of this instead of sending tractors and seed and fertilizers to help nations we assist to eat and help their medical people to end disease and inoculate people against sicknesses. Instead of this we send corrupt governments who deny food to their people and to let those of a wrong religion starve to death. We also give them birth control to stop the rise in their populations and our world is not even near of running out of space. So as a Government we allow our nation to suply7 ways for people to be starved and murdered and many more to die of disease and to top it all off we give them a way to kill their children.
     What in the world could be going on that a world that only 50 or 60 years ago could rely on his neighbor to help raise a barn or just to fix a car. We treated our elderly with respect for the wisdom they had and paid homage to our veterans. and called our land blessed by God.. Perhaps there lies the problem to all the issues of society. We have watched a minority group of people work very hard at removing God from every coroner of our lives. They got it out of school and government buildings and has even moved it off the top of our coins to the sides of them. Our President does not salute the flag of our nation.
his cross to know that everything will be great.

Gob Bless

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