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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Don't count on your salvation until it comes

In a recent poll people were asked at random will they go to heaven, over 85 percent said yes. There are many ways people justify the fact that they believe they are going to heaven. One of my personal favorites is "God is a God of love and a God that loves us would never send anybody to Hell". The others range from "once saved always saved" or the even more adorable "I have been a good guy and been nice so I will go to Heaven". Then there are those who think I really don't have to worry about it till later in my life.
     St. Padre Pio in the later years of his life kept a statue of St. Joseph on his desk. When a fellow member of his order asked why he stated "Because I fear for my eternal soul". St. Padre Pio worried that he would be found unworthy of heaven and thereby go either to Purgatory or Hell. If you have read anything about his life you as the monk who asked him about his statue would be thinking to yourself why in the world was this guy worried he led a very holy life and performed miracles as well as carried the stigmata. With a resume like that if he was worried I am doomed!
     All to often we say the right things like "I am a good Catholic so I will go to heaven". Then just after communion we sneak out of Mass go buy a twelve pack and put on the game. We cuss the refs and scream and holler all sorts of insults and we continue this life as a pattern. We confess our sins in Reconciliation Mass and then repeat them again right after leaving the confessional. Wash, Rinse and repeat week to week it never changes and we are satisfied we will go to Heaven. Now at this point many will say well that is not me yet after a very deep examination and meditation of your self and your ways you find that is not really true. The longer you meditate and do a deep examination of your soul and heart the more flaws you find. It is almost depressing enough to make you want to give up.
     Yet I would say to you don't as the way to fix the error is to confront it face to face. The first step is to regain your prayer life, don't just say them out of habit but concentrate on each word and open you heart to receive the love that results from those prayers. Second read your scriptures with a new vigor really thinking on each verse and what it means. What did Jesus mean by what he said? What was the real meaning of his parables? Yet do not confine your reading to just scripture expand it out and read of the Church Fathers and the Saints follow their examples. A great book is An Imitation of Christ. And then begin your mission. Wake up every morning determined to do a kind act and do so daily. By this act alone you are doing far more than most have done in their lives.
     Death walks the Earth and nobody really knows where he will strike next. When you go to sleep tonight will you wake up in the morning? Any age and at any time death can strike with such suddenness it can leave us asking why? Your eternal soul is not something you should be putting it off with I will do it tomorrow because all to often tomorrow never comes and it is too late. Prayer,reading and action are what Jesus loves and as you get closer to God by your acts and prayers and readings the graces begin to flow more abundantly. While these are great steps to do what God wills in your life never take your trip to heaven for granted. For only God has the right to say yes or no and his decision will not accept excuses or procrastination you will be judged as you are stripped of any explanation and left only with his words of rebuke to serve as a stinging reminder of a wasted life spent in comforts and earthly treasures. The tears of regret will do nothing to change his mind. I often believe that my tears of regret will be enough to fill a river. Keep a humble heart and never think to highly of yourself. In all things give thanks to God and pray that while some are noticed for what they do, you will remain unnoticed and unrecognized so the temptation of pride never falls upon you. Keep your eyes fixed on God. He never said we would enjoy life here in this world. Instead he said we will suffer in this world and be persecuted. Rejoice when this happens and thank God for your suffering. In the next life we will be put in the furnace and all things worldly will be pass away. Strive instead for the Kingdom of Heaven where Christ promises a eternity of happiness and bliss. In short keep you eyes on the prize and don't let sloth or Satan take your eyes away from this goal.

Until next time my friends pray for each other and do a kindness a day, you might be surprised at the results.

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