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Sunday, June 12, 2011

The unexpected joy!

I found, as with every Sunday myself in Church. Here where I live it was a normal Summer day, sunny clear and temps expected to hit 100 for the fifth day in a row. I and my wife and our kids arrived about 20 minutes before the Mass so we could pray and prepare ourselves for Mass on this day of Pentecost. I was there sitting with my family when a phrase came out of my lips in what must have been a Spirit filled moment. I slowly exhaled and said just loud enough to be heard by my wife " I love being here".
     Now to most they will say "So what I love it in Church too because I love God". However I did not say I loved being at Church. I said I love being here. What's the difference? Allot. Being here was the key code. I was not saying I liked being in the building, instead I said here in the Mass in the very presence of God. I felt peace and happiness and contentment. I was in that very moment in close association with the Holy Ghost.
     You see my biggest fault is I am never sure I am doing much or for that matter anything that Jesus would consider of value to the Church.  At times in my life I get a lack of faith issue going and therefore think I need to "swing for the bleachers" in my service to the Body of Christ. I am hopeful that some of you will pray for me to defeat this sin of doubt and pride. You see I forgot as many of us sometimes do, that what we accomplish and  anything else for that matter is by the permission of God as the Bible clearly states "we can do nothing without God". St. Therese (little flower) knew this and went about doing her service in the little things. A simple action of giving a passing person a cool drink of water or looking to a waitress or store clerk and saying "God bless you" and meaning it. Sometimes I think this term is just used as a type of slogan we say at Mass and after. Yet with such a small parting word can have life changing events. The person sees your joy and wonders what you have that he does not. Soon he is at Church convinced that the joy he saw is what he wants also.
     People like St. Therese and St. Padre Pio (my chosen Saint for Confirmation) show us that we all don't have to be "Babe Ruth's of the Catholic world to make a difference". We need to accept what we are given by The Holy Ghost and work with it. Perhaps we need only to look the Parable of the man who was hiring workers and paid those who worked 12 hours they same that worked two hours. Some will have been there from birth and may achieve great works in the Body of Christ. While others will come later and do very minor works for the Body of Christ and still receive the same blessings. In other words as long as you do something with what you are given you are still doing the work of Christ and his Church. Your just not going to be on the "All Star Team". This does not mean you will never make the team because as you grow closer to Christ you are given more and more graces and blessing from God.
     Now this may seem to be allot to put into a momentary and non-thinking act of saying "I love it here". But I think that many of you will realize that sometimes what we learn from a single moment in the presence of the Holy Ghost can be a life lesson that can change not the world, but one life at a time. Until next time my Brethren remember to keep in mind the smallest service, for it is in these moments of our service. We can lay the foundation for others to build on.

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