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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Does God cry? Part 1

In the world we live in we want what we want, when we want it and how we want it. We have all found ourselves living in a world that moves very fast and we accept this because we live in it also. Yep pull to the window order and 60 seconds later here what you ordered. If it takes a extra few minutes we begin to blow the car horn and if what we want a day or two late we call wanting somebodies job for having made you wait. Is it that your or my time is so precious that we cannot sacrifice a extra few minutes or a day before we begin to get angry?
     So lets begin by showing a few examples. We are told at the end of Man go in peace and do good for one another. Sounds great! However when you get in your car to go home it is a zoo. People showing love for each other while cutting each other off and not yielding to anybody because it is urgent you get home. When we continue on to highways to get home it looks somewhat of the start of the Daytona 500 if the speed limit is 60 cars are weaving in and out of traffic at 80 mph with the bumper sticker that says how proud you are to be a Catholic. However we are not alone every Church and every faith has the same issues. Yet it seems that the media and general world hate for the Roman Catholic Faith means any mistake we make are in the eyes of others multiplied by 10 because we are you know one of those. You finally get home from Mass and decide it is a great day to catch up on lawn work thereby not even allowing yourself to keep the Lord's day holy. Angel at Mass, Devil on the way home and heretic when you get home but is this all? Not by a long shot.
     The alarm goes off on Monday morn and you grunt and snore and hit the snooze button. and then again and again and again. When you do wake it is no time for shower just dress and go and I'll catch something later for breakfast, However realizing your still groggy and need some coffee to get that ole ticker into gear. You pull into your favorite fast food place for a triple mocha frappachino with caramel and chocolate sprinkles with two not one cherry on top. So in front of you are three cars and the first two pull away no problem. Your next and you can still make it to work on time. Then as always it hits the guy in front of you either got his order wrong or they are waiting on something. Precious minutes tick away as you wait and you begin to get angry and then angrier and then real hot!
You begin to blow your horn and invoke curses upon the guy in front of you as well as the obviously incompetent staff in this store. You are delayed a total of four minutes and then they take you next. You mumble something about how minimum wage jobs could be better by monkeys rather than them as you snatch your order and Begin to blaze away down the road headed to the high way. To make matters worse your really mad now as they only gave you one cherry on top.
     You finally get to the highway entrance it is of course packed but you still have a three minute window to work with yet. You enter the highway cutting off some semi-truck and he blows his Horn at you to express his displeasure at what you did. You give him that one finger salute as you find you are very angry at the loss of that cherry. Two accidents and a construction zone later with you flying down the highway gets you to work two minutes before time ti punch in on the clock. You run like Jesse Owens clearing the railings by a foot as you vault over them only to land in mud getting you shoes and pants all muddy. You say some words that will have to be explained at Reconciliation Mass and stomp towards the door. As you enter the door there stands Charlie who has been talking to you about the Catholic faith and has a question about yesterdays reading, but your in a hurry and don't have time for that right now. So you spout out "can't you do anything for yourself"! and you stomp over to your desk 5 minutes late to work. You feel bad about what you said to Charlie but you will fix it later when you are in a better mood.

     Lunch comes none to soon and as you begin to feel a little better you think you might make it to the end of the day without killing somebody. You see Charlie and remember you are trying to convince him to leave his Protestant Church and join the Holy Roman Catholic Church. You've poured a ton of time into this. Charlie appears at first reluctant to come over but with you coaxing him he does come over. You ask him if he had reached a final decision about going to Mass with you next Sunday, He replies politely that he can't as he feels being Catholic is not what he wants. He then leaves and you shrug your shoulders and convince yourself that somebody from his church got to him first.
     The remainder of the work day is spent much like the morning except it is hot with the late day sun and your temper is shorter and you snap at most everybody around you as you don.t want to be bothered. A few more run ins with the boss and again you are fired up to furnace level again. A hot drive home in rush hour traffic with the sun beating on you like a drum. You get off the highway and decide to go have a nice cold beer before you go home. You order your beer and think to yourself I have been waiting for this all day. The bartender walks up and tells you your bank card has been declined and you state this can't be true.with venom in your voice, yet sadly it is and you curse the bank and the bartender without mercy before stomping out.
     You drive home with a volcano erupting out the top of your head. You stomp inside the house ignoring your kids as they competent for your attention. Finally they get on your nerves and you yell "Look I'm tired just leave me alone"! The children faces go from smile to hurt confusion as they go their way. You walk into the kitchen and ask what is for dinner and you wife says "hamburgers".
That is it you have had all you can stand and you begin to scream what about the roast in the fridge. You wife states something about a pipe bursting and having to get it fixed along with a new hot water heater. However your not listening and along with screaming about the dinner you wanted you also decide to launch into a tirade as to her wasteful spending. Again she says smoothing about a pipe ans a water heater but you don't want to hear excuses you want to know what she is going to do about her spending and her obvious faults as a wife for not having a decent meal on the table. At this times she bursts into tears and goes to the bedroom locks the door and cries. Your children come to ask what is wrong with mommy and you again yell at them for not leaving you alone. They too retreat into their rooms crying also as you trip over the dog making it yelp and kick at it for being in your way. You look at you watch realizing it is almost time for your men's Bible Study Group and you can't miss it cause you are going to explain how a Catholic Family is to live under Christ.
     You return home after giving the class thinking what a wonderful class you just taught never realizing that many felt your heart was not in it. The house is quiet as you return and you come inside expecting the dog to be jumping up and down on you being happy your home. But no dog,no family, just silence greets you. You begin to think about the class you gave and you feel guilt on how you treated everybody. You look in on the kids who are all sleeping but it is obvious they went to sleep crying. You open your bedroom door and hear a quiet whimper from your wife as you get into bed. Yes she is awake and it would be a good time to apologize and seek God's forgiveness for your sins. However somehow you can't bring yourself to do it you go to sleep and fall to sleep amidst the spinning on a guilty conscience which disappears as you address every issue and justify how somehow none of this was your fault. You can't get comfortable and you fall asleep never getting the peaceful night rest you wanted.
This may be over played, but if honesty is in you perhaps is some measure you can find yourself in this story. I believe at times we all can and we all wish to forget it when it happens. A bad day goes on to destroy testimony as well as witness and has brought hurt to all those around you. As stated this does not reflect on all who read this but there are those who are a exact copy of this fellow.. He goes to Mass with you, he goes to Bible Study with you and may even be a fellow Knight of Columbus. He knows what he did wrong and he knows what he has to do to correct it. He knows all the right things to say at Mass and Bible meetings but what of admitting sin and asking for forgiveness this he struggles with. Perhaps tomorrow will be better. Stay tuned as our friend tries to make all right twenty-four hours later in Does God cry part II.

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