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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Trusting in God above all things

First let me offer my deepest condolences and prayers for those in Norway who lost their lives and for those wounded as well as the families. It is a sad event in our time that some despicable pigs target children in a war of ideologies. It would be great as some suggest to sit and talk but these people are taught to hate at birth and sadly only understand killing and force. I realize that the Churches opinion lies in the hope of talks and peace, It is hard to believe this to be realistic as I believe this is a war of religion and not political beliefs if you will it is akin to the crusades with a 21st century twist.
     In a world where pornography,terrorism,child abuse,abortion and hatred seem to rein supreme over all things it is sometimes difficult to remember that it is Christ who reins over all things and always had and always will. One of the reasons I began this blog was to maintain some sort of unknown status so that pride will never become a factor. In the world in which we live it is difficult to maintain humility or even piety as when you do something it is often recognized verbally as well as openly praised almost right away. This may not have been your original reasons for doing a good deed but if there is no praise there is always a tiny spot in your mind that wonders why. If you are praised and you refuse to accept the praise or award you become quickly accused of being prideful anyways because you seem stuck up to a point.
     So what kind of things can you do to serve God and still retain total animosity. Skip a meal a day. This act if every person were to do it and did not waste any food what so ever could in fact feed millions across this land and around the world. This year our Government spent 2.6 billion dollars to teach Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly. This is no joke it did happen and sits on many sites that describe wasteful spending. How many homes could be built and sold at a lower or even a no profit cost to our homeless veterans or to a single parent who chose life over abortion of their child. I cannot put a price on one life but I can say that their is nothing more important to me that one life. This year our Government spent 46 billion dollars to upgrade it's employees plane tickets from coach to business class. To make matters worse it is against the rules to upgrade a ticket from coach to business or first class seating yet it still is done everyday. What happens to those who break the rules nothing, It is one of many areas that is given a silent wink and a nod.
     So what could be done for the good of humanity with 46 billion dollars? I really do not have a answer but I am working on one as when God asks why a nation he blessed with so much gave so little. In our country we eat more, use more fuel. use more resources and have the fewest programs or ideas how we might save some of these for the future. Now I know I sound like a Socialist or a Liberal of some kind but trust me I am not. I am Conservative as that I will support no candidate who supports abortion and after four years if they didn't at least try to bring abortion to a end, out they go!
     So you might be thinking right now what does this have to do with trusting God above all things. Well let me enlighten you. Right now many thoughts are on the possibility of our country defaulting on it's debt. How did we get here? If you look at certain wasteful spending practices have allot to do with selfishness rather than helping people. Upgraded plane ticket charged to the taxpayer cha-ching 46 billion down the tubes. Putting more sand on our beaches ch-ching 3 million tax payer dollars gone.
These are done for very selfish reasons. Beaches erode they have to have sand. They had sand long before we got here and it is safe to say they were eroding then. God had control of that. 46 billion dollars for a extra six inches of space this alone is selfish beyond compare. We got here in this crisis that is all over the news and people are freaking over due to selfish desires. A Congressman introduces a bill to study if puppies can fly for 36 million dollars. The company who tries to study this says they need three years to figure it out so it becomes 108 million dollars. What does the congressman get? A fat juicy contribution to his campaign and a consulting job after he leaves office for 30 million a year.
     We want comfort because it pleases us. We do not put a end to it because it is as much a part of our society as baseball. The simplest of facts is we did not trust God to see to our nations needs we trusted ourselves, and the more comfy we got the more we wanted soon  it was out of control. If we lose our jobs and can't pay bills the first words out of a married couples lips are "What are we going to do?" After that and only after a period of time do we offer it up to God to handle. God does NOT want to hurt us he wants us to get our eyes off of self and on to him. Trusting God in all things means just that, trusting him in all things. A great prayer I read went something like this. Dear God do with me what you will for better or for worse in regards to me let it bring you glory and worship and if it is for the good let me rejoice in you and if it be for evil let me rejoice in that in testing me I grow stronger in you. From 1776 when we won a revolution against all odds to 1861 when we eliminated from this land the crime of slavery. To the great depression when just prior there was money everywhere and all lived well. It soon became a living nightmare as we for the first time began taking our eyes off Christ because intellectuals thought it improper to worship a God that to them did not exist. After years of starvation,home loss and the loss of our creature comforts to include a world war for the second time we finally moved back to family morals and looked to Christ. Then came the 1960's and the cheer went God is dead and our society was locked in a death grip struggle over many things to include abortion, two wage earning parents in the home, kids left to watch TV as it kept them out of underfoot. We took God out of schools,Christmas and anywhere the existed a government function that origins were based on our founding fathers who based their decisions on God.
     We used to begin our day with a thanks to God in all things and judged it to be a good or bad day as to how our crops were doing or how hard we worked at our jobs. Today most don't even that God for what he does for us and we base our day to be good or bad by how much we made, who we messed over or what was on TV. Want to see a man get upset beyond belief and destroy his whole day? Hide his TV remote. He will look and get frustrated and begin to yell in no time at all. Yet as much as our own comforts have climbed to the top of the heap our ability to justify sin has become even greater. Today 80 people (many who were children) died today in Norway due to a attack by a claimed Islamic terrorist group. Norway has never in any way been involved with Iran or Afghanistan yet they were targeted by a group that justifies it as a war against western failures to bow to the Islamic society demands, Stop the world I wanna get off. Lord I know I am deserving of Hell and would consider even Purgatory to be a lucky break. Still no matter your just judgement I say come Lord come.

God Bless

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