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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rules to a life on Earth

       There are several rules that apply that can give you a boost in life. Notice I did not say a perfect life or a easy life because these things are not of this world. From our youngest ages we are told rules to live but, "don't touch that" or "share" and of course "do not tell a lie". I think the last one given is the first one we forget. We learn these rules when we are very young and then we are tossed out into the world (what we call Kindergarten) or the very first years of school, It is here we learn the structure of who's who on the playground and who you can whoop and who you can't. You learn the social structure of school who is cool and who is not also who is a geek and who is not. We survive in this world under this until around 18 years old.. It is here where the 50/50 rule comes in. fifty percent will continue to live by the schools well taught system and of course the fifty percent who learn to accept (or a least ignore those who bother us).
     Then we enter the adult world and find out there are still about 10 percent who still follow the school taught rules and the rest begin to learn the rules of the real word. Now it is usually here we finally get to pick our own path in what we want to learn. Some go the way or the world. They learn to be cunning and deceptive at work and to backstabbing our way to the top. We sleep eat and go out with only those who will get us ahead. We cheat on taxes cause everybody does it and and how to get around all the things we don't want to do. We under these rules really live in a world of mistrust and suspicion and we often find that our life is perhaps the most unhappiness on Earth. These people often learn to be those who become rich and bitter and most unhappy with themselves as they do not like what they see in the mirror. This is not the way God wants us to be so lets look at some lessons we can learn to be a little happier in this life so when we look in the mirror we perhaps see (although incomplete).
     My first example will of course be Jesus he was a prime example of love for all men and true obedience to his Father in Heaven. Right behind him will come Mary our ever virgin who taught us what real faith was, Now for some of these you may agree of disagree with so without further fan fare. we shall now set our sites on others. One of my favorites is St, Terese (little flower) she declared that her service was to serve God in the little things. She smiled all the time and was one to do any chore no matter how strong and serve it up to Christ. St Bernadette and Padre Pio both with a faith so child like they were often criticized for such a uncomplicated and simple belief.
     There have been those among the saints and others who have been attacked, subjected to torture  and hate and scorn. Yet they have carried these torments without complaint or displeasure. Instead they carried these in joy for they knew that in these ways of carrying their cross they were becoming closer to what meant everything to them, Christ. All of these people had given up on the world and separated themselves from it and served only Christ who to them was more important than a thousand worlds. The average American household contains: 3 televisions, 2 telephones, 2 cars, 2 computers, 2 children, 2 pets and on average a home that is worth on average 250,000 dollars. Worldly goods will keep us out of Heaven and if we have to rely on getting in through the eye of the needle we are in for some issues. Yet all these Saints and great believers realized what is difficult to realize, that all these are temporary things and will not stand the test of eternity. Christ and our treasures in Heaven should be what we seek. The heavenly dream not the American dream!
     Now it may seem hopeless in the midst of all this to ever believe you will go to Heaven, But thanks to God's mercy we are not lost for as our bodies do as we do not want them to do and our minds wander and dream throughout worship or prayer God knows our weaknesses and showers a unending supply of Mercy and grace as well as forgiveness upon us. When we go to reconciliation Mass we are freed of our sins and given us access to his presence once more. The only condition is that we are truly repentant and vow to try and never do these again. The additional benefit is we are allowed to take part in the Sacrament of Communion. Most know that this is where we as Catholics experience the very essence and presence of Christ. This portion of the body of Christ is so precious that only a Priest may prepare it and through the power of Christ. It is still forbidden for a regular human (non-Priest) to even touch lest it be desecrated. Now I know that Communion in the hand is authorized and in the earliest years of the Church was practiced 390 AD was practiced as described by Cyril of Jerusalem. So I have no issue with this. I personally will not take the Eucharist in the hand as I feel that I am farthest of all worth to touch the body and blood of Christ.
     So what can you do here on Earth to build up treasures in Heaven. It may seem complicated but it is not. It is however very difficult for so,e including myself. First you must renounce this world and take no place in it. Keep all virtues as well as Commandments a part of your daily life and follow them. Strive not for knowledge but be content in all trials and difficulties. Call upon Christ often during these times for help and his protection to bring you through. Avoid all Mortal sin and attend The Mass of Reconciliation often. Remain humble in all things especially in serving others. Do these things for the glorification of Christ. Accept no rewards or praises for anything you do in service to Christ. If others speak of you cruelly let it not hurt or anger you, for this is a sign you are still attached to this world. Remember in all things you are but dirt and dust. Do not try to consider who is holier or even who goes to heaven or to Hell. God made us and it is for him to decide and not for any of us to question, for who among us can fathom the ways and judgements of God. Pray always and ask for intercessions as needed, however ponder not who is the greater of the two saints. For by doing this you anger both the saints and God our Father. We may take a step back and say " I could never do that". and doubt our own worthiness to enter eternity in the presence of Good, keep your eyes on his kingdom and know his mercy,forgiveness,love,and glories and blessings are endless.

Father in thy passing among us
do not forget us
When we stand before you on judgement throne
search our hearts and know our desire to be with you
remember our weakness and cast aside our sin
For you oh Lord know our hearts and minds
You know of our deepest desires and our failures.
Rescue us oh Lord from ourselves
strike down in us our love for this world
and our selfishness as we constantly follow
these two roads to sin. Help us Lord to seek you kingdom and no other
Grant us your peace Lord as we fight the battles
with the evil one and stand by us when we are weak.
And at the end of our time embrace us oh Lord as one of  your own.
God Bless.

Posts may get a bit irregular over the next couple of weeks I will be in Colorado seeing my Father and praying it will not be the last time.

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